Can't get feedback with accuracy to work
I'm working on a MET task (math) where the participant chooses from 5 different difficulty levels. Each difficulty level has a different maximum grade: level 1 - a 6, level 2 - a 7, level 3 - an 8, level 4 - a 9, level 5 - a 10.
I followed someones advice here on how to calculate the accuracy, and I tried calculating the accuracy (grade) by multiplying the acc with 0.6 - 1.0 for the different difficulty levels.
The problem is that it just gives a 6 if you've chosen difficulty level 1, regardless of the amount of correct answers. This is the same for each level, it just gives the maximum grade.
I hope someone can help me understand what I'm doing wrong here.
I'm sorry, but I don't know how to post the code in the correct format. This is the code for the inline script (run phase) which comes after the text input form in the experiment:
import numpy
import string
CR_ans_canvas = canvas()
CR_answer = var.number1 + var.number2 + var.number3
exp.set("CR_answer", CR_answer)
if var.CR_response == CR_answer:
var.set("CR_correct", 1)
var.set("CR_late", 0)
var.set("CR_correct", 0)
var.set("CR_incorrect", 1)
var.set("CR_late", 0)
if var.CR_response == "":
var.set("CR_late", 1)
var.set("CR_correct", 0)
var.set("CR_incorrect", 0)
##update feedback variable
##show the answer_canvas
##set the total amount of responses (trials) to 5
self.experiment.total_responses = 5
##if the response was correct, increase the amount of correct responses by one
if self.get("CR_correct") == 1:
self.experiment.total_correct += 1
##save the total correct under the variable OpenSesame saves it to
##calculate the total accuracy
self.experiment.acc = 10 * (self.experiment.total_correct / self.experiment.total_responses)
##calculate the accuracy for the chosen levels
if var.response_KeuzeKey_CR == 1:
self.experiment.acc = 0.6 * self.experiment.acc
elif var.response_KeuzeKey_CR == 2:
self.experiment.acc = 0.7 * self.experiment.acc
elif var.response_KeuzeKey_CR == 3:
self.experiment.acc = 0.8 * self.experiment.acc
elif var.response_KeuzeKey_CR == 4:
self.experiment.acc = 0.9 * self.experiment.acc
elif var.response_KeuzeKey_CR == 5:
self.experiment.acc = self.experiment.acc
##save the accuracy under the two variables OpenSesame saves it to
This looks like an integer division problem. See here for example:
Does it work, if you replace
self.experiment.acc = 10 * (self.experiment.total_correct / self.experiment.total_responses)
with self.experiment.acc = 10 * (self.experiment.total_correct / float(self.experiment.total_responses))`?Eduard
Hi Eduard,
Thanks for your suggestion, but it still doesn't work.
It seems to me that something goes wrong with the (self.experiment.total_correct / float(self.experiment.total_responses)) part. Maybe it always returns 1 for some reason.
You can easily test that, by printing out the values of relevant variables into the debug window. E.g.
That's generally the first thing you should do when you don't know why your code is not doing what it is supposed to do.
I tried, it it gives me an error:
`self.experiment.acc = 10 * (self.experiment.total_correct / self.experiment.total_responses)
print 'acc: ', self.experiment.acc
print 'total_correct: ', self.experiment.total_correct
print 'total_responses: ',self.experiment.total_responses
NameErrorTraceback (most recent call last)
in ()
----> 1 self.experiment.acc = 10 * (self.experiment.total_correct / self.experiment.total_responses)
2 print 'acc: ', self.experiment.acc
3 print 'total_correct: ', self.experiment.total_correct
4 print 'total_responses: ',self.experiment.total_responses
NameError: name 'self' is not defined`
I also saw this in the debug window: UserWarning: var name is stored as attribute of item experiment
% (var,
Hi Femke,
You have to run the experiment. Just copying the code to the window won't work. Can you try again? Or upload the experiment?
(and sorry for the delay).
Hi Eduard,
I tried running the experiment first, but that also didn't work. Can I email you the experiment? It needs excel files to run, so emailing would be easier I think.
You can zip everything and send it to me via a PM.