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[solved] AttributeError: 'instancemethod' object has no attribute 'ongezond_SRHI_item1'

edited June 2013 in OpenSesame

In an inline scripted form I have Ratingscales named, e.g.
ratingScale1 = widgets.rating_scale(form, var='gezond_SRHI_item1',
nodes=['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7'])

Then I want to write these variables away as exp.set.nameofvariable.
Also, I need to make the string into an int, like:
exp.set.ongezond_SRHI_item1 = int(exp.ongezond_SRHI_item1)

I get this error though. what does it mean?

AttributeError: 'instancemethod' object has no attribute 'ongezond_SRHI_item1'

Full traceback in debug window


  • edited 3:09AM

    Hi Natalie,

    To set variables in an inline_script for future use in the graphical interface (for example, the logger item), you should indeed use the built-in experiment function exp.set().

    This function takes two parameters, namely the name of the to-be-set variable (for example, "my_var") and its current value (e.g. 1).

    So, in your case, you set this variable like so:

    exp.set("gezond_SRHI_item1", int(gezond_SRHI_item1))

    Does this solve the problem?



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  • edited 3:09AM

    Dear Lotje,

    I tried it, but i can't make it work. I get this error:
    Nameerror: NameError: name ongezond_SRHI_item1 is not defined.
    I tried:
    exp.set("ongezond_SRHI_item1", int(ongezond_SRHI_item1))
    exp.set(self.get("ongezond_SRHI_item1"), int(ongezond_SRHI_item1))

    I also wonder WHERE I can state these lines. I have tried many different places, see my code below. I have an inline_scripted form with "run if never" + a inline_script with "run always" after that that checks if everything is filled in before continutation:

    ************ this inline script run if never:

    from libopensesame import widgets form = widgets.form(self.experiment, cols=[3,2], rows=[1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1], spacing = 10) titel = widgets.label(form, text='Ongezond snacken is iets...', center=False) vraag1 = widgets.label(form, text='1. dat ik regelmatig doe', center=False) vraag2 = widgets.label(form, text='2. dat ik automatisch doe', center=False) vraag3 = widgets.label(form, text='3. dat ik doe zonder het me bewust te herinneren', center=False) vraag4 = widgets.label(form, text='4. dat me een vreemd gevoel geeft als ik het niet doe', center=False) vraag5 = widgets.label(form, text='5. dat ik doe zonder er bij na te denken', center=False) vraag6 = widgets.label(form, text='6. dat moeite kost om niet te doen', center=False) instructie= widgets.label(form, text='1 = helemaal oneens, 7 = helemaal eens') ratingScale1 = widgets.rating_scale(form, var='ongezond_SRHI_item1', nodes=['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7']) ratingScale2 = widgets.rating_scale(form, var='ongezond_SRHI_item2', nodes=['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7']) ratingScale3 = widgets.rating_scale(form, var='ongezond_SRHI_item3', nodes=['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7']) ratingScale4 = widgets.rating_scale(form, var='ongezond_SRHI_item4', nodes=['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7']) ratingScale5 = widgets.rating_scale(form, var='ongezond_SRHI_item5', nodes=['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7']) ratingScale6 = widgets.rating_scale(form, var='ongezond_SRHI_item6', nodes=['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7']) nextButton = widgets.button(form, text='Verder') form.set_widget(titel, (0,0), colspan=1) form.set_widget(vraag1, (0,1)) form.set_widget(vraag2, (0,2)) form.set_widget(vraag3, (0,3)) form.set_widget(vraag4, (0,4)) form.set_widget(vraag5, (0,5)) form.set_widget(vraag6, (0,6)) form.set_widget(instructie, (1,0)) form.set_widget(ratingScale1, (1,1)) form.set_widget(ratingScale2, (1,2)) form.set_widget(ratingScale3, (1,3)) form.set_widget(ratingScale4, (1,4)) form.set_widget(ratingScale5, (1,5)) form.set_widget(ratingScale6, (1,6)) form.set_widget(nextButton, (0,7), colspan=2) form._exec() #option 1 for WHERE to put it

    **********this inline script: run if always:

    while True:
        # Make a variable storing whether the form is completely filled
        # in on or not. The starting value is False. If one of the
        # 'checks' below is not met, its set to True:
        incomplete = False
        # Execute the prepared inline_script item:
        # (If you placed all the Python script in the Run phase tab, only
        # executing the run phase of your item is enough here)
        #option 4 where to put it:
        # Check whether your criteria are met:
        # The easiests way to do that here is to see whether none of your response 
        # variables are set to 'None'. 'None' indicates that no box was ticked, whereas
        # any other variable indicates that the question was not left unanswered.
        # That's all you need to know, right?
        if (self.get("ongezond_SRHI_item1") == "None" or self.get("ongezond_SRHI_item2") == "None" or           self.get("ongezond_SRHI_item3") == "None" or self.get("ongezond_SRHI_item4") == "None" or           self.get("ongezond_SRHI_item4") == "None" or self.get("ongezond_SRHI_item6") == "None"):
            incomplete = True
        # If incomplete is still False, break out of this while loop
        # and continue with the experiment.
        if not incomplete:
        # If the form turns out to be incomplete, show a warning.
            # Next, the form_base will be executed again.
            # This continues as long as the form is incomplete.
    #option2 WHERE to put it:
    #if not (self.get("ongezond_SRHI_item1") == "None" or self.get("ongezond_SRHI_item2") == "None" or          self.get("ongezond_SRHI_item3") == "None" or self.get("ongezond_SRHI_item4") == "None" or           self.get("ongezond_SRHI_item4") == "None" or self.get("ongezond_SRHI_item6") == "None"):
    #   print self.get("ongezond_SRHI_item1") #this does print out the value I gave it!
    #   print self.get("ongezond_SRHI_item2") #this does print out the value I gave it!
    #   print self.get("ongezond_SRHI_item3") #this does print out the value I gave it!
    #   print self.get("ongezond_SRHI_item4") #this does print out the value I gave it!
    #   print self.get("ongezond_SRHI_item5") #this does print out the value I gave it!
    #   print self.get("ongezond_SRHI_item6") #this does print out the value I gave it!
    #   exp.set(self.get("ongezond_SRHI_item1"), int(ongezond_SRHI_item1)) # This line gives NameError: name 'ongezond_SRHI_item1' is not defined
    #   exp.set(self.get("ongezond_SRHI_item2"), int(ongezond_SRHI_item2))
    #   exp.set(self.get("ongezond_SRHI_item3"), int(ongezond_SRHI_item3))
    #   exp.set(self.get("ongezond_SRHI_item4"), int(ongezond_SRHI_item4))
    #   exp.set(self.get("ongezond_SRHI_item5"), int(ongezond_SRHI_item5))
    #   exp.set(self.get("ongezond_SRHI_item6"), int(ongezond_SRHI_item6))
    #option 3: or can I ummediately set them like this: 
    #exp.set(self.get("ongezond_SRHI_item1"), int(ongezond_SRHI_item1))
    #exp.set(self.get("ongezond_SRHI_item2"), int(ongezond_SRHI_item2))
    #exp.set(self.get("ongezond_SRHI_item3"), int(ongezond_SRHI_item3))
    #exp.set(self.get("ongezond_SRHI_item4"), int(ongezond_SRHI_item4))
    #exp.set(self.get("ongezond_SRHI_item5"), int(ongezond_SRHI_item5))
    #exp.set(self.get("ongezond_SRHI_item6"), int(ongezond_SRHI_item6))
  • edited June 2013

    Hi Natalie,

    In the first post of this thread, you wrote:

    Then I want to write these variables away

    I'm wondering what you mean exactly by this. Do you mean you want to write the variables away so that they will appear in your output file? In this case, I think everything is quite simple. You can just append a logger item after your inline_script items:


    and the variables "ongezond_SRHI_item1" etc. appear as column headers in your .csv file. The columns contain the counter of the ticked box. Note that Python starts counting at zero, so if participants ticked the first box, the column (e.g. "ongezond_SRHI_item4") contains the value 0, if participants ticked the second box, the column contains the value 1. etc.


    Maybe this is all you need to know? In this case you don't have to worry about setting the variables yourself using exp.set().

    Still, to answer your question about where to do this, if you wanted to do it:
    We made a while loop that keeps showing the form until all questions are answered. Thus, you are only certain that all your response variables contain the counter of a ticked box after the variable 'incomplete' is equal to False.

    As a consequence, you are sure that, on a given trial, the response variables contain their 'final' value:

    while True:
        incomplete = False
        if (self.get("ongezond_SRHI_item1") == "None" or self.get("ongezond_SRHI_item2") == "None" or \
            self.get("ongezond_SRHI_item3") == "None" or self.get("ongezond_SRHI_item4") == "None" or \
            self.get("ongezond_SRHI_item4") == "None" or self.get("ongezond_SRHI_item6") == "None"):
            incomplete = True
        if not incomplete:
            # Here
    # And here (which is where Python 'jumps to' after the break
    # statement in line 13)
    # Or in the Run-phase of a new inline_script item that you append to your
    # trial sequence after this inline_script item.

    Does this make sense?



    Did you like my answer? Feel free to Buy Me A Coffee :)

  • edited 3:09AM

    Dear Lotje,

    thank you for your answers. I need to use the 'names'of the items later in the experiment to set a reward the participant will receive (a certain picture). That is why the 'number' is not enough. (Also, at first I didn't know a Ratingscale sets the answers as numbers. I thought they would be the names you give the nodes... ).
    I also understand the place now where to put it.. (I was so tired yesterday that I couldn;t see it anymore ;-)
    Thank you again!!


  • edited June 2013

    Hi Natalie,

    thank you for your answers. I need to use the 'names'of the items later in the experiment to set a reward the participant will receive

    Ahh, okay, I see what you mean.

    Maybe something like this?

    # Make a list containing your nodes as integers.
    list_of_nodes = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
    while True:
        incomplete = False
        if (self.get("ongezond_SRHI_item1") == "None" or self.get("ongezond_SRHI_item2") == "None" or \
            self.get("ongezond_SRHI_item3") == "None" or self.get("ongezond_SRHI_item4") == "None" or \
            self.get("ongezond_SRHI_item4") == "None" or self.get("ongezond_SRHI_item6") == "None"):
            incomplete = True
        if not incomplete:
            # Here
    # Use the ticked box as the index to retrieve
    # the corresponding node from the node list:
    # Use the built-in self.get() function to get the
    # response variables:
    node_item1 = list_of_nodes[self.get("ongezond_SRHI_item1")]
    node_item2 = list_of_nodes[self.get("ongezond_SRHI_item2")]
    node_item3 = list_of_nodes[self.get("ongezond_SRHI_item3")]
    node_item4 = list_of_nodes[self.get("ongezond_SRHI_item4")]
    node_item5 = list_of_nodes[self.get("ongezond_SRHI_item5")]
    node_item6 = list_of_nodes[self.get("ongezond_SRHI_item6")]
    # Use the built-in exp.set() function
    # to set the new variables for future use in the GUI
    # (e.g. a feedback or a logger item):
    exp.set("node_item1", node_item1)
    exp.set("node_item2", node_item2)
    exp.set("node_item3", node_item3)
    exp.set("node_item4", node_item4)
    exp.set("node_item5", node_item5)
    exp.set("node_item6", node_item6)
    total = node_item1 + node_item2 + node_item3 + node_item4 + node_item5 + node_item6
    exp.set("total", total)

    Did you like my answer? Feel free to Buy Me A Coffee :)

  • edited 3:09AM

    Can somebody put this discussion on [solved]? It seems I can not edit the title of the discussion..
    Thank you

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