Randomly select some trials from two distinct groups
Hi there,
I am trying to set up a very simple experiment but I stuck in a practical issue. I am supposed to ask my participants to indicate whether a pair of words are opposites or not. I am planning to present two sets of pairs. The first set will refer to certain adjectives (e.g., competent - incompetent) and the other set will refer to emotions (e.g., happy - sad) and colors (e.g., black - white). There are a lot of pairs and I want to randomly show my participants, some but not all the pairs. Say, that I want to show them 10 pairs. But, I want seven out of these 10 pairs (i.e., 70%) to come from the first set and the remaining three (i.e., 30%) of the pairs to come from the second set. Although I tried to find a solution from the discussion forum or from the instructions in opensesame page (for example by using the command "slice" or through "weighing") I could not find a way how to address this issue. I would appreciate any assistance.
Best regards
PS. this is an exploratory study so there is not necessarily a "correct answer". I only want to see how people construe specific pairs of adjectives and I want to include pairs of emotions or colors as "manipulation checks". As can be seen below the example of my block loop is quite simple:
Hi @thanmour ,
Is it possible to upload your experiment here? And will you be running your study online or locally?
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Dear Lotje,
First, I am sorry for my delayed reaction. And second, I thank you a lot for your consideration. I have just prepared the experiment, which includes 212 pairs of adjectives or phrases. I am planning to ask from participants to randomly rate 10% of them (about 20 pairs) whether they are opposites or not (there is no right or wrong answer for that - I only want to assess how they construe meanings that they might be (or might not be) opposites. Among those 20 pairs, however, I want 10 (i.e., 50%) of them to be randomly chosen from a certain block of the list, 5 (i.e., 25%) of them to be randomly chosen from another block from the list, and the remaining ones (i.e., 25%) from a third block. To ease the "blocking", I added a column called "my_class". There, the first 150 entries (rows) are classified as "a", the next 35 entries as "b" and the remaining ones as "c". So, my question is how I can make the experiment proportionally select (randomly) 10 entries from "a", 5 from "b", and "5" from c.
About how to run the study, I am planning to run it online. (But still have a
problem setting up a follow-up survey)
Hi @thanmour ,
And I guess you want the pairs from the different classes to be mixed, right? Or can you first show 10 items from class "a", then 5 from class "b" and 5 from class "c"?
Regarding the survey, these links might be useful:
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Hi Lotje,
Indeed, I want them to be randomly presented in a mixed fashion (say, a, a, a, b, b, c, a, b, c, c, a, a, a, b, etc.)
About the links, thanks a lot. I was aware of the first two, but I think the one which makes a great difference and was really missing was the youtube video. It is amazingly clear !!! Thanks a lot for that and congrats on whoever has prepared it!
Hi @thanmour ,
I'll get back to you shortly.
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Hi @thanmour ,
It took me a while to figure this one out, but I think the following solution will work. It might not be the most elegant way, and requires some JavaScript, but I think otherwise your implementation is not possible with OSWeb.
tab of aninline_javascript
item (instead of in the block_loop
) at the beginning of your experiment (see comments for some explanation):inline_script
item, this time to the beginning of the trial_sequence, and place something like the following in thePrepare
tab:The overview of your experiment should now look like this:
I uploaded an example script.
I hope this helps!
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Thanks a lot, Lotje!
I am almost there. But still, after the "practice loop", I get an error message. Is there something that I can do about it?
Also, should the var array_A include "correct_response1" or "correct_response2"? Is there any particular reason for including these two options (and not just keeping it as "correct_response")?
HI @thanmour ,
Sorry for the late reply! I didn't know which response ("p" or "q" belonged to which trial, which is why I used dummy names ("correct_response1" and "correct_response2"). But they indeed should be changed.
Could you upload the current version of your experiment that gives the above error message?
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Hi Lotje,
I am attaching the experiment as you prepared it. Everything goes perfectly in the first block but it stucks in the second block. I tried dozens of different solutions but at no avail.
Kind regards
Hi @thanmour ,
Oops, sorry about that. The lists had to be redefined at the beginning of the experimental phase (this time in the Run tab of an inline_javascript item. I attached the new version.
Could you check whether it works as desired now?
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Yes! Now it works perfectly! So, it needed a new inline_script in the end of Block A to redefine it. Now I've got it. Thanks, Lotje!!!