Three problems after importing the study
I used Jspsych, a JavaScript framework, to create behavioral experiments that run in a web browser. When I finished the coding successfully, which means the experiment runs perfectly on my computer, I followed the steps according to the JATOS website and got a study link. There are three problems with the experiment after I export the experiment from localhost and export the zipped jatos file to the public server.
1. The consent page shows twice. The first page of my experiment is the consent page. Participants inform me the consent page shows twice after clicking the "Continue" button (i.e. consent page->click continue button->back to consent page->click continue button again->instruction page). This situation only happens after I import the jzipped file to the public server.
2. There is a blank screen between the images. My experiment is about showing images to participants and they need to respond by choosing 1-9. The sequences of the images should be image1->image2 ->image3->...etc. However, after I import the jzipped file to the public server, the sequence changed to image 1->blank screen->image2->blank screen->image3->blank screen->...etc. I really don't know why this is happening so I really need your help.
3. I can't get the results after participants finish the online experiment. I share general multiple study link with them and the status always show"DATA_RETRIEVED". Is it something wrong with my experiment or my computer? I am using JATOS 3.7.3, for your information.
I have been dealing with these problems for days! Hope someone can help me!!!!Thank you!!
Hi Cody,
Let's see.
When I finished the coding successfully, which means the experiment runs perfectly on my computer,
Can you tell me a bit more what you mean exactly? Do you have a local JATOS running on your computer, and the results get correctly stored on the JATOS database? From your message, I think the answer is yes to both these questions, but want to double-check.
The consent page shows twice. This situation only happens after I import the jzipped file to the public server.
This is weird. If you try it on the sever (is this MindProbe?) can you also reproduce this error? If so, do you see any errors in the console (your browser's developer tools) when clicking the first time?
the status always show"DATA_RETRIEVED"
If the data are immensely big, it's possible that participants closed the experiment tab before sending the data. Unlikely, but possible I guess. And this would not happen on a local JATOS when there is no remote server to send the data to. So, again to check, a few questions: (1) do you get the results stored properly on your local JATOS? (2) How big is your dataset? (3) can you reproduce this behaviour? ie when you click on the general multiple link and complete the study, what happens with your results?
Hi Elisa,
Thank you for replying to me!! Maybe I explain not clearly through words. Do you mind if we can have a zoom meeting with each other? If not, I will try my best to explain everything in words. Thank you!!
Please try to describe your problem here :)
Okay, I will try my best to describe my problems with some photos to help:) Thank you!!!
Dear Elisa,
Can you tell me a bit more what you mean exactly? Do you have a local JATOS running on your computer, and the results get correctly stored on the JATOS database? From your message, I think the answer is yes to both these questions, but want to double-check.
Yes. I have a local JATOS running on your computer, but I don't whether the results get correctly stored on the JATOS database or not. I add code based on instruction. I have screen-cut my coding for your information. Please see the attached photos. Thank you!
This is weird. If you try it on the sever (is this MindProbe?) can you also reproduce this error? If so, do you see any errors in the console (your browser's developer tools) when clicking the first time?
This problem only shows on the general multiple links that I send to my participants.
If the data are immensely big, it's possible that participants closed the experiment tab before sending the data. Unlikely, but possible I guess. And this would not happen on a local JATOS when there is no remote server to send the data to. So, again to check, a few questions: (1) do you get the results stored properly on your local JATOS? (2) How big is your dataset? (3) can you reproduce this behaviour? ie when you click on the general multiple link and complete the study, what happens with your results?
Do you suggest there is something wrong with my coding? I can not receive any result when I or the participant finish the study through the general multiple links.
Again, really appreciated your kind reply. Please feel free to ask me questions :)
Hi cody, can you send me the General Multiple link? I'd like to check it in my browser. If you want, this is my address: lange.kristian at
Hi Kri,
Hi cody,
I looked at your code. It mostly looks fine but you do a turn short before you are about to finish.
You have a final trial that redirects to Prolific. Here are the important parts of your code:
You redirect to Prolific in the last trial and jsPsych on_finish callback is never called and therefore the study never finished and result data never transferred.
Remove the final trial and let JATOS do the redirect to Prolific for you: Just put the Prolific URL in your study's study properties / End redirect URL (in JATOS).
Hi Kristian,
Thank you very much for your response. I have solved the problems based on your comments. You save my day! Thank you!