randomized assignment of picture and sound stimuli + two versions should be kept constant
Dear all,
even if I have missed the relevant post in the forum, I'd be thankful if someone would help me or point me to the right post which is already there. I have problems randomizing my stimuli the was I want it.
In my experiment, I want to show a picture and play a sound and the assignment of pictures to sounds I want to randomize across participants. There is one more issue: Each participant sees/hears two versions of each item (a singular sound+ picture and a plural sound+picture). I have 24 such items.
So for participant #1 I want sound_1_sg to be shown with the pic_1_sg (and sound_1_pl to be shown with the pic_1_pl). Sound_2_sg should be shown with the pic_2_sg (and sound_2_pl to be shown with the pic_2_pl).
But for participant #2 I want a different assignment of pictures and sounds, e.g. sound_1_sg to be shown with the pic_2_sg (and the sound_1_pl to be shown with the pic_2_pl), while sound_2_sg should be shown with the pic_1_sg (and sound_2_pl to be shown with the pic_1_pl).
I think I need an inline script which shuffles stimuli. But I do not know how I keep assignment constant for the sg and pl version.
Your help is really much appreciated!
Hi @dbh ,
I think something like the attached script should work. Is that what you had in mind?
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PS: For all combinations to appear equally often, you should run (a multiplication of) 24 participants, and increment the subject number with 1 for every subsequent participant.
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Thank you so much, @lvanderlinden, I will have a look at this. I just need some time!