EyeLink plugin error message while "el_StartRecording"
I installed all the necessary EyeLink plugins in Open Sesame folder and the example experiments ran without problems.
When I added the EyeLink controls (like el_CamSetup etc.) to my own experiment, however, I ran into a problem: The connection and the calibration works, but during the "el_StartRecording" plugin, I always get the following error message: Unexpected Error.
Details are:
item stack: experiment[run].practice_loop[run].block_sequence[run].block_loop[run].trial_sequence[run].new_el_StartRecording[run]
Exception type: RuntimeError
exception message: Unexpected end of line
Open Sesame has the follwoing line marked red in the Traceback:
File "C\Program Files (x86)\OpenSesame\share\opensesame_plugins\el_StartRecording\el_StartRecording.py", line 69, in run
self.experiment.eyelink.sendCommand("record_status_message '%s'" % self.var.el_recording_status_msg)
RuntimeError: Unexpected end of line
I don't have any inline scripts. I use OpenSesame 3.3.14, Python 3.7.6. and EyeLinkDevKit 2.1.1.; as backend I use xpyriment/Expyriment.
Where could be the problem? I am very new to Eye-Tracking and I am not able to program in Python, so please formulate your answer as easy as possible.
Thanks in advance!
Hi Vanessa,
Unfortunately, I am not familiar with this approach, I usually just use the Pygaze plugins (or the underlying functionality, respectively) in Opensesame. Have you tried them?
Hi Edurad,
thanks for your reply and sorry for my late one! I could solve this one with just putting a message in the field "Recording Status Message" and not leaving it empty.
But I use the Pygaze plugins now anyway.