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[open] Different numbers of stimuli per trial

edited October 2014 in OpenSesame

Good afternoon,

I have just come across this great software and wish to use in my work.

I want to program a memory experiment.

In each trial subjects see words. The number of words in each list is randomised so for some trials it might be 1 word and in others up to 15 words.

Is there a way to do this in OpenSesame? I could not find an obvious option within the program for different numbers of stimuli in each experiment.

Subjects write down on paper the words that they can remember from the list but I want to display during this recall period the number of words that they saw as they have to write the words they can remember next to a numbered grid so I can measure how accurate they were at remembering where in the list they saw the word. I don't want them to know how many words will be in the list until after they have experienced the list and so it has to appear on the computer screen and not on the paper where they write their answers.

So I have two queries:
1. Can (and if so how does) OpenSesame deal with different numbers of stimuli being presented within a trial (I have 72 trials and several hundred words so would prefer not to do this manually).
2. Is there a way for it to know how many stimuli (words) it has presented in a given trial and display this at the end of each trial.

Thank you very much,



  • edited 7:52PM


    You could create a loop with 15 variables, named word01 to word15. For each of the cycles, only fill the amount of words you would like to show.

    In the sequence associated with your loop, add a text_display with the following contents:


    Below is the OpenSesame script for a working example with up to three words:

    # Generated by OpenSesame 2.8.3 (Gutsy Gibson)
    # Wed Oct 01 21:20:07 2014 (nt)
    # <>
    set mouse_backend "legacy"
    set subject_parity "even"
    set height "768"
    set font_italic "no"
    set canvas_backend "legacy"
    set synth_backend "legacy"
    set start "experiment"
    set title "New experiment"
    set coordinates "relative"
    set width "1024"
    set sampler_backend "legacy"
    set transparent_variables "no"
    set foreground "white"
    set font_bold "no"
    set description "Default description"
    set background "black"
    set font_size "18"
    set keyboard_backend "legacy"
    set font_family "mono"
    set compensation "0"
    set bidi "no"
    set subject_nr "0"
    define sequence experiment
        run welcome "always"
        run loop "always"
    define loop loop
        set repeat "1"
        set description "Repeatedly runs another item"
        set item "sequence"
        set break_if "never"
        set column_order "word01;word02;word03"
        set cycles "3"
        set order "random"
        setcycle 0 word02 ""
        setcycle 0 word03 ""
        setcycle 0 word01 "bunny"
        setcycle 1 word02 "grass"
        setcycle 1 word03 "stew"
        setcycle 1 word01 "carrot"
        setcycle 2 word02 "suicide"
        setcycle 2 word03 ""
        setcycle 2 word01 "potato"
        run sequence
    define sequence sequence
        run text_display "always"
    define text_display text_display
        set foreground "white"
        set font_size "18"
        set description "Presents a display consisting of text"
        set maxchar "50"
        set align "center"
        set background "black"
        set duration "keypress"
        set font_family "mono"
    define sketchpad welcome
        set duration "keypress"
        set start_response_interval "no"
        set description "Displays stimuli"
        draw textline 0 0 "OpenSesame 2.8.0 <i>Gutsy Gibson</i>" center=1 color=white font_family="serif" font_size=32 font_italic=no font_bold=no show_if="always" html="yes"
    edited 7:52PM

    Dear Edwin,

    Thank you very much for your prompt and helpful reply. I am very new to OpenSesame.

    It is good to know that it seems like I might be able to do what I would like to do.

    I have tried your code and I couldn't get it to work but I am sure this is down to me not entering the code in the correct places. I managed to get the welcome to display but then when I clicked and pressed several buttons it would not advance the experiment. I don't know if there is a way to share what I have done? Or for you to share your experiment?

    As I said I am very new to this program. I only downloaded it yesterday and tinkered for a short while and then wanted to check that it could do what I needed it to before expending a lot of time trying.

    Thank you.


  • edited October 2014

    No worries! (Although it might be good to read up on things one the Documentation Page.)

    Open OpenSesame, and choose the default template. Next, click on New experiment at the top of the Overview. Then click on the Script editor button. This opens an editor in which you can edit the OpenSesame syntax for the entire experiment.

    Select and delete everything that's currently in there. Then paste in the script I posted here. To save, press the Apply button in the top right corner.

    Good luck!

    edited 7:52PM

    Dear Edwin,

    Thank you for replying again.

    I have done this but when I click apply and then click on run it comes up with a black blank screen which then immediately shuts itself.

    I noted as well that when I pressed apply the code for the specific areas like the sequence, loop, text display etc. towards the end all disappeared from the editor.


  • edited October 2014

    I've copied the script into OpenSesame, and saved the resulting experiment to my Dropbox: (to download: right-click on link, and select Save Link As...)

    edited 7:52PM

    Dear Edwin,

    Thank you once again for your help. I have progressed further with my experiment since we last spoke. I have copied in my script so that you can run it for yourself but it didn't seem to want to post it so I will try again in a separate message.

    It is still a work in progress but what I want to end up with - which I know it is not set up the right way to do - is to eventually have a single pool of words and have words from this pool randomly assigned to the different locations in the list. At the moment my work around is specifying which words should be shown in the first position in the list etc. with my word1, word2 etc. variables. I want this to be fully randomised so that for different participants they see words in different orders. I tried to set up a single list [word] but when I entered this in the sketchpad to show a different word each time it just repeated the same word 7 times in the trial which led me to decide to separate out the different positions of the words - even though this is not how I want it to end up.

    Secondly the next step is to be able to control the number of words it displays for each trial. At the moment it is constantly 7 but usually I have a range from 1 word in a trial to 15 in a trial. I want to have trials in which 1 word appears, 2 words etc. up to 15 words and I want these to also be appearing randomly such that for a participant they might see a trial containing 2 words, then next trial is 7 etc. but this needs to be random for each participant.

    I hope this makes sense and you are able to assist with my randomisation of the words across trials (rather than prescribing them to specific locations in the list) and also with how to make the computer only show a certain number of words each time.

    Thank you,


    edited October 2014
    # Generated by OpenSesame 2.8.3 (Gutsy Gibson)
    # Tue Oct 07 14:05:46 2014 (nt)
    # <>
    set mouse_backend "xpyriment"
    set subject_parity "even"
    set height "768"
    set font_family "mono"
    set font_italic "no"
    set synth_backend "legacy"
    set title "Extended template"
    set coordinates "relative"
    set start "experiment"
    set sampler_backend "legacy"
    set transparent_variables "no"
    set foreground "#000000"
    set font_bold "no"
    set description "A template containing a practice and an experimental phase"
    set background "#ffffff"
    set font_size "18"
    set keyboard_backend "legacy"
    set canvas_backend "xpyriment"
    set compensation "0"
    set bidi "no"
    set subject_nr "0"
    set width "1024"
    define form_text_display End_of_practice_recall
        set rows "1;4;1"
        set description "A simple text display form"
        set cols "1;1;1"
        You have just finished the practice trial
        If you have any questions please ask the experimenter now.
        Press OK below to begin the experimental trials
        set form_title "END OF PRACTICE"
        set ok_text "Ok"
        widget 0 0 3 1 label text="[form_title]"
        widget 0 1 3 1 label center="no" text="[form_text]"
        widget 1 2 1 1 button text="[ok_text]"
    define form_text_display End_of_trial
        set rows "1;4;1"
        set description "A simple text display form"
        You have just finished trial number [trial_number]
        Press OK below to begin next trial
        set cols "1;1;1"
        set form_title "<span size=24>Title</span>"
        set ok_text "Ok"
        widget 0 0 3 1 label text="End of trial number [trial_number]"
        widget 0 1 3 1 label center="no" text="[form_text]"
        widget 1 2 1 1 button text="[ok_text]"
    define sketchpad ___sketchpad
    define advanced_delay __advanced_delay
        set duration "245"
        set jitter "0"
        set description "Waits for a specified duration"
        set jitter_mode "Uniform"
    define sketchpad __sketchpad
    define advanced_delay _advanced_delay
        set duration "245"
        set jitter "0"
        set description "Waits for a specified duration"
        set jitter_mode "Uniform"
    define form_text_display _form_text_display
        set form_text "Your message"
        set rows "1;4;1"
        set form_title "<span size=24>Title</span>"
        set cols "1;1;1"
        set ok_text "Ok"
        widget 0 0 3 1 label text="[form_title]"
        widget 0 1 3 1 label center="no" text="[form_text]"
        widget 1 2 1 1 button text="[ok_text]"
    define reset_feedback _reset_feedback
    define sketchpad _sketchpad
        set duration "keypress"
        set description "Displays stimuli"
    define advanced_delay advanced_delay
        set duration "245"
        set jitter "0"
        set description "Waits for a specified duration"
        set jitter_mode "Uniform"
    define sketchpad blank
        set duration "245"
        set description "Displays stimuli"
        set start_response_interval "no"
    define sketchpad blank_screen
        set duration "245"
        set description "Displays stimuli"
    edited October 2014
    define loop block_loop
        set repeat "1"
        set description "A single block of trials"
        set skip "0"
        set item "trial_sequence"
        set break_if "never"
        set column_order "word1;word3;word2;word5;word4;word6;word7;trial_number"
        set cycles "36"
        set order "sequential"
        setcycle 0 trial_number "1"
        setcycle 0 word5 "STANZA"
        setcycle 0 word4 "MIRROR"
        setcycle 0 word7 "PROCLAIM"
        setcycle 0 word6 "REGARD"
        setcycle 0 word1 "PROSPECT"
        setcycle 0 word3 "DECAY"
        setcycle 0 word2 "ORCHARD"
        setcycle 1 trial_number "2"
        setcycle 1 word5 "VALLEY"
        setcycle 1 word4 "LANGUAGE"
        setcycle 1 word7 "VANISH"
        setcycle 1 word6 "ENTER"
        setcycle 1 word1 "VELVET"
        setcycle 1 word3 "NOVEL"
        setcycle 1 word2 "RESOURCE"
        setcycle 2 trial_number "3"
        setcycle 2 word5 "HOLLOW"
        setcycle 2 word4 "PUBLIC"
        setcycle 2 word7 "ARREST"
        setcycle 2 word6 "EVER"
        setcycle 2 word1 "ACCOUNT"
        setcycle 2 word3 "STANDARD"
        setcycle 2 word2 "SAILOR"
        setcycle 3 trial_number "4"
        setcycle 3 word5 "CHAIRMAN"
        setcycle 3 word4 "TIGER"
        setcycle 3 word7 "THEREBY"
        setcycle 3 word6 "FOREIGN"
        setcycle 3 word1 "ADVANCE"
        setcycle 3 word3 "MERCY"
        setcycle 3 word2 "SIGNAL"
        setcycle 4 trial_number "5"
        setcycle 4 word5 "LUNCHEON"
        setcycle 4 word4 "OPERA"
        setcycle 4 word7 "ENOUGH"
        setcycle 4 word6 "CONSUME"
        setcycle 4 word1 "MADAM"
        setcycle 4 word3 "AUTHOR"
        setcycle 4 word2 "CONFLICT"
        setcycle 5 trial_number "6"
        setcycle 5 word5 "LEATHER"
        setcycle 5 word4 "ROBIN"
        setcycle 5 word7 "PERCEIVE"
        setcycle 5 word6 "LOCATE"
        setcycle 5 word1 "PAYMENT"
        setcycle 5 word3 "TEACHER"
        setcycle 5 word2 "TWILIGHT"
        setcycle 6 trial_number "7"
        setcycle 6 word5 "CULTURE"
        setcycle 6 word4 "STEAMER"
        setcycle 6 word7 "YELLOW"
        setcycle 6 word6 "ONLY"
        setcycle 6 word1 "HUNTER"
        setcycle 6 word3 "APPLE"
        setcycle 6 word2 "FABRIC"
        setcycle 7 trial_number "8"
        setcycle 7 word5 "SULPHUR"
        setcycle 7 word4 "CARRIAGE"
        setcycle 7 word7 "CONSIST"
        setcycle 7 word6 "OPPOSE"
        setcycle 7 word1 "PURSUIT"
        setcycle 7 word3 "HATRED"
        setcycle 7 word2 "CREATURE"
    edited October 2014
    setcycle 8 trial_number "9"
        setcycle 8 word5 "MOVIE"
        setcycle 8 word4 "METHOD"
        setcycle 8 word7 "UNTO"
        setcycle 8 word6 "FROZEN"
        setcycle 8 word1 "FUTURE"
        setcycle 8 word3 "HIGHWAY"
        setcycle 8 word2 "ACRE"
        setcycle 9 trial_number "10"
        setcycle 9 word5 "PRESENT"
        setcycle 9 word4 "BARREL"
        setcycle 9 word7 "FORGET"
        setcycle 9 word6 "REFUSE"
        setcycle 9 word1 "CLOTHING"
        setcycle 9 word3 "BABY"
        setcycle 9 word2 "COLLECT"
        setcycle 10 trial_number "11"
        setcycle 10 word5 "CONTEST"
        setcycle 10 word4 "MARBLE"
        setcycle 10 word7 "TRULY"
        setcycle 10 word6 "GENTLY"
        setcycle 10 word1 "SAFETY"
        setcycle 10 word3 "CABIN"
        setcycle 10 word2 "COUPLE"
        setcycle 11 trial_number "12"
        setcycle 11 word5 "CANDY"
        setcycle 11 word4 "SUSPECT"
        setcycle 11 word7 "HONEST"
        setcycle 11 word6 "MENTAL"
        setcycle 11 word1 "PENNY"
        setcycle 11 word3 "SUCCESS"
        setcycle 11 word2 "FUNERAL"
        setcycle 12 trial_number "13"
        setcycle 12 word5 "RELIEF"
        setcycle 12 word4 "MISTRESS"
        setcycle 12 word7 "OFFER"
        setcycle 12 word6 "AWHILE"
        setcycle 12 word1 "CIRCLE"
        setcycle 12 word3 "PRISON"
        setcycle 12 word2 "TEMPLE"
        setcycle 13 trial_number "14"
        setcycle 13 word5 "COFFEE"
        setcycle 13 word4 "KITCHEN"
        setcycle 13 word7 "FLOURISH"
        setcycle 13 word6 "ASCEND"
        setcycle 13 word1 "PARTNER"
        setcycle 13 word3 "IMPULSE"
        setcycle 13 word2 "PICTURE"
        setcycle 14 trial_number "15"
        setcycle 14 word5 "PRESSURE"
        setcycle 14 word4 "WRITER"
        setcycle 14 word7 "FINAL"
        setcycle 14 word6 "PREVENT"
        setcycle 14 word1 "SUPPER"
        setcycle 14 word3 "BASIN"
        setcycle 14 word2 "SILENCE"
        setcycle 15 trial_number "16"
        setcycle 15 word5 "ENGINE"
        setcycle 15 word4 "SHEPHERD"
        setcycle 15 word7 "APPLY"
        setcycle 15 word6 "DISGRACE"
        setcycle 15 word1 "WORRY"
        setcycle 15 word3 "NOTHING"
        setcycle 15 word2 "SCHOLAR"
        setcycle 16 trial_number "17"
        setcycle 16 word5 "PURCHASE"
        setcycle 16 word4 "MERIT"
        setcycle 16 word7 "WITHOUT"
        setcycle 16 word6 "PROVIDE"
        setcycle 16 word1 "TEMPER"
        setcycle 16 word3 "SISTER"
        setcycle 16 word2 "CABLE"
        setcycle 17 trial_number "18"
        setcycle 17 word5 "KINDNESS"
        setcycle 17 word4 "ILLNESS"
        setcycle 17 word7 "SLOWLY"
        setcycle 17 word6 "PERISH"
        setcycle 17 word1 "BELIEF"
        setcycle 17 word3 "TICKET"
        setcycle 17 word2 "MODEL"
        setcycle 18 trial_number "19"
        setcycle 18 word5 "BEGGAR"
        setcycle 18 word4 "LEMON"
        setcycle 18 word7 "DIFFER"
        setcycle 18 word6 "INSULT"
        setcycle 18 word1 "SENATE"
        setcycle 18 word3 "SUMMER"
        setcycle 18 word2 "GENIUS"
        setcycle 19 trial_number "20"
        setcycle 19 word5 "OUTSIDE"
        setcycle 19 word4 "EAGLE"
        setcycle 19 word7 "MERELY"
        setcycle 19 word6 "BEGIN"
        setcycle 19 word1 "POWDER"
        setcycle 19 word3 "PIGEON"
        setcycle 19 word2 "PONY"
        setcycle 20 trial_number "21"
        setcycle 20 word5 "PERSON"
        setcycle 20 word4 "ROBBER"
        setcycle 20 word7 "CONCERN"
        setcycle 20 word6 "LITTLE"
        setcycle 20 word1 "COLLAR"
        setcycle 20 word3 "PASSION"
        setcycle 20 word2 "CASTLE"
        setcycle 21 trial_number "22"
        setcycle 21 word5 "CIRCUIT"
        setcycle 21 word4 "SPIRIT"
        setcycle 21 word7 "PLAINLY"
        setcycle 21 word6 "DERIVE"
        setcycle 21 word1 "SEASON"
        setcycle 21 word3 "STUDENT"
        setcycle 21 word2 "RIFLE"
    edited October 2014
    setcycle 22 trial_number "23"
        setcycle 22 word5 "CONTRAST"
        setcycle 22 word4 "CANVAS"
        setcycle 22 word7 "GLITTER"
        setcycle 22 word6 "AMPLE"
        setcycle 22 word1 "MONEY"
        setcycle 22 word3 "BANNER"
        setcycle 22 word2 "NUMBER"
        setcycle 23 trial_number "24"
        setcycle 23 word5 "DISPUTE"
        setcycle 23 word4 "NEEDLE"
        setcycle 23 word7 "AFFORD"
        setcycle 23 word6 "EXCHANGE"
        setcycle 23 word1 "MURDER"
        setcycle 23 word3 "SERVANT"
        setcycle 23 word2 "LYING"
        setcycle 24 trial_number "25"
        setcycle 24 word5 "CAPTIVE"
        setcycle 24 word4 "MISCHIEF"
        setcycle 24 word7 "UTMOST"
        setcycle 24 word6 "WHISPER"
        setcycle 24 word1 "MONARCH"
        setcycle 24 word3 "CLIMATE"
        setcycle 24 word2 "WATER"
        setcycle 25 trial_number "26"
        setcycle 25 word5 "MAYOR"
        setcycle 25 word4 "STORY"
        setcycle 25 word7 "AWFUL"
        setcycle 25 word6 "CONSULT"
        setcycle 25 word1 "JERSEY"
        setcycle 25 word3 "NOTION"
        setcycle 25 word2 "SECTION"
        setcycle 26 trial_number "27"
        setcycle 26 word5 "BATTLE"
        setcycle 26 word4 "MORAL"
        setcycle 26 word7 "STAGGER"
        setcycle 26 word6 "COMPEL"
        setcycle 26 word1 "SOLDIER"
        setcycle 26 word3 "WISDOM"
        setcycle 26 word2 "GESTURE"
        setcycle 27 trial_number "28"
        setcycle 27 word5 "TABLE"
        setcycle 27 word4 "FINGER"
        setcycle 27 word7 "WONDER"
        setcycle 27 word6 "REGRET"
        setcycle 27 word1 "AMOUNT"
        setcycle 27 word3 "VOYAGE"
        setcycle 27 word2 "HUSBAND"
        setcycle 28 trial_number "29"
        setcycle 28 word5 "OCEAN"
        setcycle 28 word4 "VICTIM"
        setcycle 28 word7 "MOSTLY"
        setcycle 28 word6 "EXPOSE"
        setcycle 28 word1 "MOTHER"
        setcycle 28 word3 "SICKNESS"
        setcycle 28 word2 "OFFENCE"
        setcycle 29 trial_number "30"
        setcycle 29 word5 "BUREAU"
        setcycle 29 word4 "DETAIL"
        setcycle 29 word7 "ATTACH"
        setcycle 29 word6 "AWAIT"
        setcycle 29 word1 "BEAUTY"
        setcycle 29 word3 "BEDROOM"
        setcycle 29 word2 "SENTENCE"
        setcycle 30 trial_number "31"
        setcycle 30 word5 "CUSTOM"
        setcycle 30 word4 "SANDWICH"
        setcycle 30 word7 "INVOLVE"
        setcycle 30 word6 "RECALL"
        setcycle 30 word1 "BUSHEL"
        setcycle 30 word3 "EMPIRE"
        setcycle 30 word2 "VESSEL"
        setcycle 31 trial_number "32"
        setcycle 31 word5 "INSTINCT"
        setcycle 31 word4 "NEPHEW"
        setcycle 31 word7 "SURELY"
        setcycle 31 word6 "AWAKE"
        setcycle 31 word1 "SPARROW"
        setcycle 31 word3 "QUESTION"
        setcycle 31 word2 "FOOTBALL"
        setcycle 32 trial_number "33"
        setcycle 32 word5 "CRADLE"
        setcycle 32 word4 "IMAGE"
        setcycle 32 word7 "RECKON"
        setcycle 32 word6 "CRAZY"
        setcycle 32 word1 "HERALD"
        setcycle 32 word3 "LIKEWISE"
        setcycle 32 word2 "SLUMBER"
        setcycle 33 trial_number "34"
        setcycle 33 word5 "LOUDLY"
        setcycle 33 word4 "JACKET"
        setcycle 33 word7 "GRACIOUS"
        setcycle 33 word6 "SUPPORT"
        setcycle 33 word1 "HERO"
        setcycle 33 word3 "SEVERAL"
        setcycle 33 word2 "BECAME"
        setcycle 34 trial_number "35"
        setcycle 34 word5 "BITTER"
        setcycle 34 word4 "RATTLE"
        setcycle 34 word7 "EASTERN"
        setcycle 34 word6 "COSTLY"
        setcycle 34 word1 "RESIST"
        setcycle 34 word3 "SUDDEN"
        setcycle 34 word2 "ENJOY"
        setcycle 35 trial_number "36"
        setcycle 35 word5 "NARROW"
        setcycle 35 word4 "BEING"
        setcycle 35 word7 "VITAL"
        setcycle 35 word6 "MODERN"
        setcycle 35 word1 "CREDIT"
        setcycle 35 word3 "LUCKY"
        setcycle 35 word2 "LUSTER"
        run trial_sequence
    edited October 2014
    define sequence block_sequence
        set flush_keyboard "yes"
        set description "A sequence containing a single block of trials followed by feedback to the participant"
        run reset_feedback "always"
        run block_loop "always"
        run feedback "always"
    define sketchpad end_of_experiment
        set duration "keypress"
        set description "A sketchpad notifying the participant that the experiment is finished"
        set start_response_interval "no"
        draw textline 0 0 "Press any key to exit" center=1 color=black font_family="mono" font_size=18 font_italic=no font_bold=no show_if="always" html="yes"
    define sketchpad end_of_practice
        set duration "keypress"
        set description "A sketchpad notifying the participant that the practice phase is finished"
        set start_response_interval "no"
        draw textline 0 0 "End of Practice" center=1 color=black font_family="mono" font_size=18 font_italic=no font_bold=no show_if="always" html="yes"
    define sequence experiment
        set flush_keyboard "yes"
        set description "The main sequence of the experiment"
        run instructions "always"
        run first_loop "always"
        run experimental_loop "always"
        run end_of_experiment "always"
    define loop experimental_loop
        set repeat "1"
        set description "A loop containing one or more experimental blocks"
        set item "block_sequence"
        set column_order "practice"
        set cycles "1"
        set order "random"
        setcycle 0 practice "no"
        run block_sequence
    define feedback feedback
        set duration "keypress"
        set reset_variables "yes"
        set description "Provides feedback to the participant"
        draw textline 0 -96 "Your average response time was [avg_rt]ms" center=1 color=black font_family="mono" font_size=18 font_italic=no font_bold=no show_if="always" html="yes"
        draw textline 0 -32 "Your accuracy was [acc]%" center=1 color=black font_family="mono" font_size=18 font_italic=no font_bold=no show_if="always" html="yes"
        draw textline 0 32 "Press any key to continue" center=1 color=black font_family="mono" font_size=18 font_italic=no font_bold=no show_if="always" html="yes"
    define loop first_loop
        set repeat "1"
        set description "Repeatedly runs another item"
        set item "first_sequence"
        set break_if "never"
        set column_order "practice_word1;practice_word2;practice_word3;practice_word4;practice_word5;practice_word6;practice_word7"
        set cycles "1"
        set order "random"
        setcycle 0 practice_word1 "otter"
        setcycle 0 practice_word2 "human"
        setcycle 0 practice_word3 "computer"
        setcycle 0 practice_word4 "lemon"
        setcycle 0 practice_word5 "clock"
        setcycle 0 practice_word6 "plate"
        setcycle 0 practice_word7 "ruler"
        run first_sequence
    define sequence first_sequence
        run _reset_feedback "always"
        run practice__sequence "always"
        run End_of_practice_recall "always"
    edited October 2014
    define sketchpad fixation_cross
        set duration "995"
        set description "Displays stimuli"
        set start_response_interval "no"
        draw fixdot 0 0 color=black show_if="always"
    define form_text_display form_text_display
        set form_text "Your message"
        set rows "1;4;1"
        set form_title "<span size=24>Title</span>"
        set cols "1;1;1"
        set ok_text "Ok"
        widget 0 0 3 1 label text="[form_title]"
        widget 0 1 3 1 label center="no" text="[form_text]"
        widget 1 2 1 1 button text="[ok_text]"
    define sketchpad instructions
        set duration "keypress"
        set start_response_interval "no"
        set description "A sketchpad containing the instructions for the participant"
        draw line -64 0 0 0 penwidth=1 color=white show_if="always"
        draw line 0 0 0 0 penwidth=1 color=white show_if="always"
        draw line -64 0 0 0 penwidth=1 color=#090909 show_if="always"
        draw line -192 64 -192 64 penwidth=1 color=#090909 show_if="always"
        draw line -32 0 -96 0 penwidth=1 color=white show_if="always"
        draw line -64 0 0 0 penwidth=1 color=white show_if="always"
        draw textline 0 0 "Welcome to my experiment. Press any key to begin!" center=1 color=black font_family="mono" font_size=18 font_italic=no font_bold=no show_if="always" html="yes"
    define keyboard_response keyboard_response
        set description "Collects keyboard responses"
        set timeout "2000"
        set flush "yes"
    define logger logger
        set ignore_missing "yes"
        set description "Logs experimental data"
        set auto_log "no"
        set use_quotes "yes"
        log "word"
    define sketchpad practice
    define sequence practice__sequence
        run fixation_cross "always"
        run blank "always"
        run practice_word1 "always"
        run blank "always"
        run practice_word2 "always"
        run blank "always"
        run practice_word3 "always"
        run blank "always"
        run practice_word4 "always"
        run blank "always"
        run practice_word5 "always"
        run blank "always"
        run practice_word6 "always"
        run blank "always"
        run practice_word7 "always"
        run blank "always"
    define loop practice_loop
        set repeat "1"
        set description "A loop containing one or more practice blocks"
        set item "block_sequence"
        set column_order "practice"
        set cycles "1"
        set order "random"
        setcycle 0 practice "yes"
        run block_sequence
    define sketchpad practice_word1
        set duration "750"
        set description "Displays stimuli"
        draw textline 0 0 "otter" center=1 color=black font_family="mono" font_size=18 font_italic=no font_bold=no show_if="always" html="yes"
    define sketchpad practice_word2
        set duration "750"
        set description "Displays stimuli"
        draw textline 0 0 "human" center=1 color=#000000 font_family="mono" font_size=18 font_italic=no font_bold=no show_if="always" html="yes"
    define sketchpad practice_word3
        set duration "750"
        set description "Displays stimuli"
        draw textline 0 0 "computer" center=1 color=black font_family="mono" font_size=18 font_italic=no font_bold=no show_if="always" html="yes"
    define sketchpad practice_word4
        set duration "750"
        set description "Displays stimuli"
        draw textline 0 0 "lemon" center=1 color=black font_family="mono" font_size=18 font_italic=no font_bold=no show_if="always" html="yes"
    define sketchpad practice_word5
        set duration "750"
        set description "Displays stimuli"
        draw textline 0 0 "clock" center=1 color=#000000 font_family="mono" font_size=18 font_italic=no font_bold=no show_if="always" html="yes"
    define sketchpad practice_word6
        set duration "750"
        set description "Displays stimuli"
        draw textline 0 0 "plate" center=1 color=black font_family="mono" font_size=18 font_italic=no font_bold=no show_if="always" html="yes"
    define sketchpad practice_word7
        set duration "750"
        set description "Displays stimuli"
        draw textline 0 0 "ruler" center=1 color=black font_family="mono" font_size=18 font_italic=no font_bold=no show_if="always" html="yes"
    define reset_feedback reset_feedback
    define sampler sampler
        set volume "1"
        set description "Plays a sound file in .wav or .ogg format"
        set sample "absence.wav"
        set pitch "1"
        set duration "1000"
        set stop_after "0"
        set pan "0"
        set fade_in "0"
    define sampler sound_file
        set volume "1"
        set description "Plays a sound file in .wav or .ogg format"
        set sample "amount.wav"
        set pitch "1"
        set duration "745"
        set stop_after "0"
        set pan "0"
        set fade_in "0"
    define sequence trial_sequence
        set flush_keyboard "yes"
        set description "A single trial"
        run fixation_cross "always"
        run blank "always"
        run word1 "always"
        run blank "always"
        run word2 "always"
        run blank "always"
        run word3 "always"
        run blank "always"
        run word4 "always"
        run blank "always"
        run word5 "always"
        run blank "always"
        run word6 "always"
        run blank "always"
        run word7 "always"
        run blank "always"
        run End_of_trial "always"
    define sketchpad word1
        set duration "745"
        set description "Displays stimuli"
        draw line 0 0 0 0 penwidth=1 color=#000000 show_if="always"
        draw textline 0 0 "[word1]" center=1 color=black font_family="mono" font_size=18 font_italic=no font_bold=no show_if="always" html="yes"
    define sketchpad word2
        set duration "745"
        set description "Displays stimuli"
        draw textline 0 0 "[word2]" center=1 color=black font_family="mono" font_size=18 font_italic=no font_bold=no show_if="always" html="yes"
    define sketchpad word3
        set duration "745"
        set description "Displays stimuli"
        draw textline 0 0 "[word3]" center=1 color=black font_family="mono" font_size=18 font_italic=no font_bold=no show_if="always" html="yes"
    define sketchpad word4
        set duration "745"
        set description "Displays stimuli"
        draw textline 0 0 "[word4]" center=1 color=black font_family="mono" font_size=18 font_italic=no font_bold=no show_if="always" html="yes"
    define sketchpad word5
        set duration "745"
        set description "Displays stimuli"
        draw textline 0 0 "[word5]" center=1 color=black font_family="mono" font_size=18 font_italic=no font_bold=no show_if="always" html="yes"
    define sketchpad word6
        set duration "745"
        set description "Displays stimuli"
        draw textline 0 0 "[word6]" center=1 color=black font_family="mono" font_size=18 font_italic=no font_bold=no show_if="always" html="yes"
    define sketchpad word7
        set duration "745"
        set description "Displays stimuli"
        draw textline 0 0 "[word7]" center=1 color=black font_family="mono" font_size=18 font_italic=no font_bold=no show_if="always" html="yes"
    edited 7:52PM

    That is the end of my script.


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