[solved] Logger/Variable relationship
Ok, once I crack this I think I will have it! Sorry for all of the questions and thank you to Sebastiaan and lvanderlinden for your help so far
I have read through and tinkered with setting variables and I think I understand how they are setup and spit out in the .csv file for data collection for a normal expirement. However for my questionnaire purposes, I am having a hard time getting the responses to my rating_scale questions (20 in total), 2 multiple choice in my beginning demographic question set, and two free responses at the end of the questionnaire to be saved. In the logger I of course have the "respose" variable that records other text entry components, and I can see the x,y coordinates of my mouse response on my mood map, but no other responses seem to be recorded. I have both time_ and count_ for each one of the rating_scale questions, but no response.
For example, when a participant would click on the 3rd star from the left in one of my 7-choice rating scale questions, I simply want to record "3". I guess that I assumed that this would be a variable built into the rating_scale plugin and that I would be able to choose it in the logger plugin options menu. How would I go about defining the collection of these rating responses?
This OSme questionnaire file should be here:
Thank you in advance for any insight.
I have tried something different, and it seems more logical, yet my "response" variable in the logger still does not include my new variables in the loops!
Version 2: http://www.filedropper.com/soundscaperesponseexperiment2opensesametaropensesametar
Hi Kyle,
I'll get back to you soon!
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Hi Kyle,
With the second version of your script you're almost there! The only thing is that you should place a logger item at the end of every sequence instead of only at the very end of your experiment. By doing this, every trial/question looks as follows:
The problem with your structure is that the variable "response" is overwritten by the response on every next question. But if you restructure your second version slightly by appending a logger item to every sequence (demo_sequence, question_sequence, and map_sequence), the general variable "response" will always contain the appropriate response. And, in case of your rating questions, this will indeed be a number between 1 and 7.
Note that you need to append the same logger item to all three sequences. So, for example, use
I hope this helps!
Good luck and feel free to post any further questions!
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That is just what was needed. Still learning the curves of the program, but it's coming together. Many thanks to you!
I am struggling with the same problem here. The thing is, that I do not only need the responses logged, but also avialable for later conditions on showing items.
I tried to save the responses after each questionaire-item into another global variable via inline-script, but from the script item I do not seem to get access to the response variable.
Does anyone have an idea?
If I understand correctly, you basically want to log the responses for every item and access them later on? I'm going to assume you're going to present your questionnaire first and present items later on (based on a participant's responses on the questionnaire).
You could use an inline script to log the responses into a global variable (a dictionary) and another inline script to access this global variable and set an entry to a variable used in the current sequence (if that sentence makes no sense, don't worry, just look at the example bellow).
Basically, what were going to do is make a library of a participant's responses to particular questions. For this to work in random order of presentation too (which is the most flexible), the easiest way to do so is probably to add a new variable to your loop-item to hold question numbers in. In this example, we'll call it 'qnr' and we'll set to '1' in the first cycle, to '2' in the second, '3' in the third etc (N.B.: do not include the apostrophes)
Your experimental sequence could look like this:
After this, in your item for answer dependent showing, you can use [relevant_resp] to access the answer that a participant gave on the questionnaire at 'qnr'.
Hope this helps! In case you're doing anything different from what I assumed here and you can't figure out how to fix that, just let me know!