# This is JATOS' configuration # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Do not remove this line (it contains the default configuration) include "application.conf" # HTTP address and port # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Defaults are (all local IPs) and 9000 #play.server.http.address = "" #play.server.http.port = 9000 # HTTP server timeouts # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # The time after which an idle connection will be automatically closed. # Set to `infinite` to completely disable idle connection timeouts. # Default is infinite. #play.server.http.idleTimeout = 60s # How long a request takes until it times out. Set to null or "infinite" to disable the timeout. #play.server.akka.requestTimeout = 40s # URL base path configuration # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Add a base URL to the root of the application path. Default is "/". # It will be the prefix for each URL, e.g. /jatos/test -> /myBasePath/jatos/test. # It has to start and end with "/". #play.http.context = "/MP/" # Trusted certificates (e.g. for encrypted LDAP) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # It's possible to add multiple certificates # 'type' can be PKCS12, JKS or PEM #play.ws.ssl.trustManager.stores = [ { type = "PEM", path = "conf/certs/ca.pem" } ] # JATOS' study assets root directory path # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Default is ./study_assets_root #jatos.studyAssetsRootPath="~/jatos_study_assets_root" # Study logs # ~~~~~~~~~~ # To disable study logging put false (default is true) #jatos.studyLogs.enabled=false # Path where JATOS stores its logs for each study (Default is ./study_logs) #jatos.studyLogs.path="~/jatos_study_logs" # Result Uploads # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # To disable result file uploading put false (default is true) #jatos.resultUploads.enabled=false # Path where JATOS stores uploads from study runs (Default is ./result_uploads) #jatos.resultUploads.path="~/jatos_result_uploads" # Max file size for one uploaded file (default is 30 MB) #jatos.resultUploads.maxFileSize = 100MB # Limit of all files per study run (default is 50MB) #jatos.resultUploads.limitPerStudyRun = 100MB # LDAP authentication # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # LDAP url. Leave empty if you have no authentication via LDAP (default is ""). #jatos.user.authentication.ldap.url = "ldap://my.ldap.org:389" # LDAP base domain name. Leave empty if you have no authentication via LDAP (default is ""). #jatos.user.authentication.ldap.basedn = "dc=example,dc=com" # Time in ms to wait for a response from LDAP server (default 5000) #jatos.user.authentication.ldap.timeout = 10000 # Google OAuth sign-in button # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Google OAuth client ID (https://developers.google.com/identity/sign-in/web/sign-in) #jatos.user.authentication.oauth.googleClientId = "1234567890-abc123abc123.apps.googleusercontent.com" # User password restrictions # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Password length (default is 7) #jatos.user.password.length = 8 # Password strength: one of the following (default is 0) # 0: No restrictions on characters # 1: At least one Latin letter and one number # 2: At least one Latin letter, one number and one special character (#?!@$%^&*-) # 3: At least one uppercase Latin letter, one lowercase Latin letter, one number and one special character (#?!@$%^&*-) #jatos.user.password.strength = 3 # Database configuration - H2 database # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #db.default.url="jdbc:h2:~/jatosdb;MODE=MYSQL;DATABASE_TO_UPPER=FALSE;IGNORECASE=TRUE;DEFAULT_LOCK_TIMEOUT=10000;SELECT_FOR_UPDATE_MVCC=FALSE" # Database configuration - MySQL database # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #db.default.url="jdbc:mysql://localhost/MyDatabase?characterEncoding=UTF-8&useJDBCCompliantTimezoneShift=true&useLegacyDatetimeCode=false&serverTimezone=UTC" #db.default.username=myusername #db.default.password=mypassword #db.default.driver=com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver # User session configuration # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Session timeout in minutes (default is 1440) #jatos.userSession.timeout = 1440 # Session timeout after inactivity in minutes (default is 60) #jatos.userSession.inactivity = 60 # Session validation: true turns on the user session validation and increases user security # By default it's set to false to let users use a local JATOS easily. # On a server installation it should be set to true. #jatos.userSession.validation = true # Secure session cookie (set true to restrict user access to HTTPS) #play.http.session.secure = false # PID file location # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #pidfile.path=/var/run/play.pid