'Pygaze_trackertest' doesn't work correctly.
I get errors of pygaze (0.6.0) in MacOS using Eyelink1000plus.
When I started 'Pygaze_trackertest.py' of the examples, it caused two errors.
[Calibration and Validation errors]
As I did the calibration and validation, it started but didn't presented a black fixation at the displayPC. The monitor of displayPC kept a gray blank and I was not able to see the black fixation, while the hostPC showed the screens of calibration and validation correctly (actually record the eye movements).
WARNING: screen.Screen: could not find font '/Users/Desktop/PyGaze-prerelease-0.6.0a1/examples/pygaze_trackertest/fonts/mono.ttf'; using default instead
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pygaze/_eyetracker/eyelinkgraphics.py", line 246, in draw_cal_target
File "/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pygaze/_eyetracker/eyelinkgraphics.py", line 264, in play_beep
NameError: global name 'EYELINKCALBEEP' is not defined
[Can't end the file]
I was not able to end. When I pressed 'esc' and 'y' to end, it froze. I had to do the forced termination.
What is cause?
I encountered new errors.
I updated the pygaze version from 0.6.01a to 0.6.04a, and run new 'Pygaze_trackertest.py' of the examples. It showed errors as below.
My Eyelink didn't work when I run it, while this program worked half way.
It froze when I tried to start the drift correct according to the instructions.