[open] Inline Scripting - Accurate Response Time Measure
I am currently designing an experiment in which each participant completes a series of 2-4 forms, and which measures the response time for each trial, that is the interval between the time form no. 1 appears and the time the participant submits her response to form no. 2 (or 3-4). I've tried measuring the response time, but the values are nonsensical (e.g ~circa 2000 ms when in practice it took a whole minute).
My trial design is something like this:
Where the "try_2_1" forms appear only in the case the participant gave an incorrect answer in form no.1
The way I currently measure timing is like this:
my intention is to create the first timestamp right when form no.1 (Keep_1_2) is first displayed, and the second timestamp right when the participant reaches the feedback screen (feedback_screen_1), meaning that he submitted a correct response. The rt variable is computed as t2-t1. This is how it looks:
# in the "run" phase of (keep_1_2) inline script item
t1 = clock.time()
# in the "run" phase of (feedback_screen_1_1_1) inline script item
t2= clock.time()
rt = t2-t1
I would love any input as to what I'm doing wrong, and how this can be improved
Thanks in advance,