Counterbalanced mood inductions, using music
in OpenSesame
Good evening,
I have a block sequence with two block loops. Each block loop is a mood condition where participants are being induced into a happy (block loop 1) or neutral (block loop 2) mood. The design is between-participants.
- In the block sequence, I changed the 'run if' statements of both block loops to [subject_parity] = odd and [subject_parity] = even. However, when I run the experiment, it doesn't do the counterbalancing. Why ?
- I understand that OpenSesame only recognises .ogg and .wav files.
a. The .ogg files don't work. When I run it, I only hear 'click' and the experiment skips the music part entirely.
b. The .wav files work but they sound completely different. They are fast-paced and high-pitched. What can I do to change this ?
c. The .wav files are extremely heavy, whereas .ogg files are not. How can .wav files be reduced, while keeping their quality ?
d. While I try getting this all sorted, my blue OpenSesame icon at the bottom regularly changes into a yellow animal icon !? When I close and re-open OpenSesame, it's gone. What is that ?
PS - I use Mac. It seems to create some serious problems when I use the 'run in window' test-run. As a matter of fact, when I did, the whole experiment completely crashed. I read on some of your forums that the back-end should be Xpyriment, while some other suggestion was that Mac 'should only use legacy'. What is the solution here ?