I need help for my Exp :
Hi, I need some help to create my exp on Opensesame : participants have to click the faster they can on the image representing the instrument played in the sampler. Im interested in the timbre discrimination
They are 3 independant variables : the instrument playing (8 instruments), the " texture " (synth or real instrument) and the sound source (melody created for the instrument, or just a short extract played by one of the eight instrument). All the files are already uploaded in the pool file. So the experimental plan is : Subject * Instrument8 * texture 2 * sound source 2.
There are 32 sound files (.wav) and 8 instrument images for the categorization (.png).
There are 2 phases :
a learning phase in which participant have to click on a instrument image to make the sampler play this instrument sound (both are loaded in the pool file).
After 2 repetition of all the instrument sound, the test phase begins.
In the test phase, participants have to click the faster they can on the image representing the instrument played by the sampler.
there are 2 condition of presentation :
half of the participants will be in a block condition presentation : it means that they will hear for example all the eight instrument from the synth 1 and sound source 1 first, then synth2 and sound source 2, then synth1 sound source 2 then synth2 sound source1. The thing is I need to keep the presentation order random between the different independant variable condition, and that between all trial (so just after a sound presentation) participant should be able to see the picture and to click on the appropriate one.
while the other half participant will be in a complete random order presentation : so it means that the instrument can be played in any condition.
To create these 2 presentation condition I guess I just need to create 2 different expe in Opensesame.
In conclusion : I have trouble to " link " the image and the sound (for the learning phase), i.e make the sampler play the instrument the participant clicked on. And also trouble to make the sampler choose in random order the sound file from the pool file.
Also im a beginner in Opensesame and in programmation too.
Do you have any suggestion ?
I guess you're already helped in the other discussions. Let keep everything central and talk about this in the other discussions. Alright?