Display form after a Block but not after a trial
Hi all,
So I have multiple questions that I want to ask about multiple images.
To randomize this properly my trial sequence is in a loop which is then in another loop. (see image).
What I would like to do is that everytime it switches terms that there is a small form saying : ' Now the question is to rate the images on _______________ "
So after the Positive block is finished (10 trials) then you see the message above, informing the participant that the next block is starting.
However, I can end this message easily at the end of the trial but then it displays the message after each trial (obviously) so not after each block. But I haven't found a way to do this differently. I guess it's because of the loop-in-loop structure...
Can anyone help me with this?
p.s. Here is the relevant code:
The code for Terms_1 is:
set source_file ""
set source table
set repeat 1
set order random
set description "Führt wiederholt ein anderes Item aus"
set cycles 2
set continuous no
set break_if_on_first yes
set break_if never
setcycle 0 term Positive
setcycle 0 Image "[Image_number]"
setcycle 0 term_opposite Negative
setcycle 1 term Aktive
setcycle 1 Image "[Image_number]"
setcycle 1 term_opposite Passive
run Image_randomization_1
The code for Image_randomization is:
set source_file ""
set source table
set repeat 1
set order random
set description "Führt wiederholt ein anderes Item aus"
set cycles 10
set continuous no
set break_if_on_first yes
set break_if never
setcycle 0 Image_number 1
setcycle 1 Image_number 2
setcycle 2 Image_number 3
setcycle 3 Image_number 4
setcycle 4 Image_number 5
setcycle 5 Image_number 6
setcycle 6 Image_number 7
setcycle 7 Image_number 8
setcycle 8 Image_number 9
setcycle 9 Image_number 10
run Trial_1_1
The code for the trial is:
set flush_keyboard yes
set description "Führt mehrere Items nacheinander aus"
run Image_Rating_7_1 always
run Response_Keys_5_1 always
run Logger_4_1 always
run Feedback_2_1 always
Code for Image_Rating is:
set reset_variables yes
set duration 0
set description "Präsentiert Stimuli"
draw image center=1 file="image_[Image_number].jpg" scale=1 show_if=always x=0 y=-128 z_index=0
draw textline center=1 color=black font_bold=no font_family=mono font_italic=no font_size=24 html=yes show_if=always text="This image is..
" x=0 y=352 z_index=0
draw textline center=1 color=black font_bold=no font_family=mono font_italic=no font_size=24 html=yes show_if=always text="[term]" x=-248 y=416 z_index=0
draw textline center=1 color=black font_bold=no font_family=mono font_italic=no font_size=24 html=yes show_if=always text="[term_opposite]" x=280 y=416 z_index=0
draw textline center=1 color=black font_bold=no font_family=mono font_italic=no font_size=24 html=yes show_if=always text="1 2 3 4 5 6 7" x=0 y=416 z_index=0
draw textline center=1 color=black font_bold=no font_family=mono font_italic=no font_size=18 html=yes show_if=always text="" x=32 y=288 z_index=0
Hi Eva, your second loop item should be placed in a sequence item, together with the sketchpad that shows the instruction. Thus, the first loop shouldn't contain the second loop, but rather a sequence item that contains the second loop.
Hi Josh,
Great! Thanks. Knew it should be an easy implementation but somehow I missed this solution haha.
Thanks again,