Saving targets and comparing to subject KB response
I'm new to OpenSesame and Python. I'm trying to figure out how to design my experiment.
The structure of a trial is pretty simple - [Target - delay - (Processing Task + subject response - delay) x 4] x 7 - Recall.
Or, to put it in words - 7 targets (a single letter shown randomly with no repeat) each followed by 4 different processing tasks (randomly selected simple correct/incorrect arithmathic expressions from pre-existing 'bank' of expressions e.g. "2+5=7" as correct or "9-6=4" as incorrect) with each expression followed by a KB 'correct'/'incorrect' subject response. At the end of each trial, there will be a recall stage where subject should type in as many targets he can recall in the correct order they appeared.
I'm trying to figure out how to design this trial structure in OpenSesame so that I can save all the targets in each trial and compare them to the subject's response at the recall stage. I tried making a more simple design, using the full-factorial design with just one task after each letter, just to see if I'm able to collect the targets and append them into a list. I couldn't make it work. I feel like I'm missing something basic that would make it much more simple.
I know that's a lot I'm asking here but if you have any ideas where to begin with (maybe even a link to a similarly designed experiment could help) I would appreciate it a lot.
Hi Omer,
How about you start with the step-by-step tutorial?
In doing so, you'll better understand how to make these things work in Opensesame. Your approach makes a lot of sense. First try to implement a simple task, and try to build on top of that the more complicated bits.
If you failed doing that, then ask us here to figure out why you failed. It is much easier for us to solve specific problems, then general "How can I make this design" - kinda problems.
See what I mean?