Open question based task - looping way too many times
I am making an open question based task and I think I have made a mistake with my question loop.
In my question loop I have two variables (Scenario – 3 levels, Mover – 2 levels). Therefore there are 6 questions ( I haven’t written in the 6th question yet though). The questions are named as follows (S1M1, S1M2, S2M1, S2M2, S3M1, S3M2) One of the questions (S1M2) has to have its own separate loop and sequence but that is running as it should (although the data is not being logged).
In the question loop it says in the summary: question_sequence will be called 6 times in sequential order. The number of rows is 6. All rows will occur once.
Why is it then repeating each question 6 times?
I managed to get the task to only show each question once, by changing set cycles to 1, but it changed the question loop to have just 1 scenario and 1 mover. When I looked at the log file, it hadn’t even recorded anything. This makes me think that I have done something quite wrong somewhere.
I’d really appreciate it if someone could take a look at the file, and tell me where I’ve gone wrong.
I realise that this may not be particularly clear, so please let me know if you need any further explanation about what the task is supposed to be.
Hi Johanna,
A loop iterates through all items in the loop table. you have 6 things there (S1M1-S3M2). So the loop will run 6 times. In the sequence however, you have coded each question separately. So on every iteration, each question is executed. So that you end up with 36 questions.
I guess, in your case the loop is redundant. Either that, or code all questions with a single item. (Removing the loop makes probably more sense)