Face-hat pairings
Hello everybody,
I wanna create an experiment in which I present 48 face-hat pairs. 24 female faces paired with 24 female hats. The same for male faces and hats. Each person/face can appear in 3 different emotions. That means there are 3 different pictures of each person. I want the persons, their emotions and the hats to come in a random order. The rule is that all 48 persons have to appear only once with each emotion being presented 8 times.
To make it clearer:
8 females of emotion 1
8 females of emotion 2
8 females of emotion 3
-> each paired with one hat from the female hats pool
8 males of emotion 1
8 males of emotion 2
8 males of emotion 3
-> each paired with one hat from the male hats pool
In a second session another block of 48 face-hat pairs will be presented. The important point is that the faces should be the same (in emotion and person) as in the first session. And there will be another pool of 24 new female and 24 new male hats. The hats must match the sex of the faces again.
Finally, there will be a test session in which 48 face-hat pairs will be presented again and the participant must decide if the pair is correct or not. 24 of the face-hat combinations must be the same as seen in session 2 and 24 rearranged/incorrect.
My problem is to make each person appear once and at the same time each emotion appear exactly 8 times. Second, to make session 2 depend on the presentation of faces on session 1. Third, to make the program pick 24 correct and 24 rearranged combinations from session 2.
Thanks in advance.
I have just noticed that I put my post into the wrong category. It should be in Opensesame
Attached an experiment that implements problems 1 and 2 and gives instructions how to solve problem 3.
Good luck,