Simulating Bayes Factors: Extreme variability and absurd values?
I'm doing some Bayesian simulations (via R/BayesFactor) to better understand some data that I have, and have run into some strange results. Generated data is for a 2-group, between-subjects design (N = 500 per group, 10,000 samples generated) with a medium effect. Here's the code I used:
library(truncnorm) seed <- round(runif(10000)*1000000) makedata = function(x) { set.seed(x) #Generate condition 1 values a1 = rtruncnorm(500, a=0, b=1, mean = 0.55, sd = .22) #Generate condition 2 values b1 = rtruncnorm(500, a=0, b=1, mean = 0.46, sd = .26) a2 = b2 = a3 = a2 b3 = b2 dat = bind_cols(a3, b3) }
The distributions of condition means appear as expected:
..and for the effect size distribution, the results are reasonable as well:
However, where it gets weird are the corresponding Bayes Factors for the mean differences. Here are the descriptives for the BF10s:
These values seem absurd (particularly the range/variability), at least given the seemingly reasonable values of group means and effect sizes. I'm aware that large BFs are possible with large samples/large effects, but I'm wondering if the higher variability in BFs is par for the course for Bayes Factors, or if something is going wrong with my simulations (which I'm happy to provide further details about). I've included the rest of the (highly unoptimized) code used to generate the datasets and means/effect sizes/BFs below:
datasets = lapply(seed, makedata) #Make datasets BFresults = lapply(datasets, function(x) ttestBF(x = x$a1, y = x$b1, paired = FALSE)) #Bayesian t-tests for each dataset BFresultsdata = lapply(BFresults, function(x) #Make them data frames BFs = lapply(BFresultsdata, function (x) x[["bf"]]) #Get Bayes Factors BFsD = BFsDT = names(BFsDT) = c("BF10") BFajrjcont1000 = BFsDT #Final data frame with all Bayes Factors effresults = lapply(datasets, function(x) cohen.d(d = x$a1, f = x$b1, paired = FALSE)) #Effect sizes for each dataset effsizes = lapply(effresults, function(x) x$estimate) #Get Cohen's ds effsizesdata = EffsDT = names(EffsDT) = c("d") Effajrjcont1000 = EffsDT #Final data frame with all Cohen's ds ameanresults = lapply(datasets, function(x) mean(x$a1)) #Get condition 1 means bmeanresults = lapply(datasets, function(x) mean (x$b1)) #Get condition 2 means ameandata = ameandataDT = bmeandata = bmeandataDT = meansdataajrjcont1000 = bind_cols(ameandataDT, bmeandataDT) #Final data frame with condition means describe(BFajrjcont1000$BF10) describe(Effajrjcont1000$d) describe(meansdataajrjcont1000)
Hi Eric,
Two quick remarks:
Thanks for the reply! Looking at the descriptives and distribution of the log(BF10)s, things make more sense. To make sure I'm understanding the 2nd point correctly: is it that the variability in BF10s w/larger effects is due to the dependence on the tails of the posterior distributions, which are more sensitive to sample-to-sample changes than say, the peak?
Yes, that's right