Beginner questions
Hey there,
I'm a absolute beginner with programming and I was wondering if you could help me with my experiment in OpenSesame:
It consists of 3 different stages:
- a learning stage
- a learning test
- two different experimental tests
In each stage I want to present 7 different .wav sounds (which all have a specific meaning) in a random order (and present each sound multiple times). In the learning stage, participants can practice and learn the meaning of each sound. For this stage I now have made 7 different sequences (first a blank sketchpad that is meant for not playing the sound while a instruction is still on the screen, then the .wav sound file, and finally a sketchpad with the meaning of the sound in text) and have put all the sequences in another sequence (meant as a general sequence) which I have put in a loop.
I cannot figure out how I can repeat the whole sequence (that is: the seven different sequences) in a random order and how I can let the participant (in my case deafblind participants) practice until he or she has the confidence to go to the next stage. For that next stage, that is: the learning test it is important that I can easily see what randomized sounds are played in order to determine if answers are correct or not. The idea is that a participant cannot go to the two different experimental tests until recognition score is 100%.
I would be very grateful if you could help me so thanks in advance!
Sorry for the long delay.
I cannot figure out how I can repeat the whole sequence (that is: the seven different sequences) in a random order
A loop item has a field called repeats, set this to a high value (1000 maybe), then all the sound files are being repeated as often as you indicated. If you set the "order" to 'random', then you'll have your randomized sequence.
until he or she has the confidence to go to the next stage.
As a last item of your loop, you can add a sketchpad, combined with a response item, to ask them whether they want to continue, depending on the response the experiment either continues or jumps back to first phase.
The idea is that a participant cannot go to the two different experimental tests until recognition score is 100%
Just present feedback at the end of the phase. Ideally also on the monitor that you can see. Then, depending on the accuracy, you can either repeat the sequence, or move on (by pressing a specific key). I attach an example, that should give you the scaffold of what you want.