Letter Memory Task : creating random strings of letters and recalling the last 4 of them
Hi, I want to create a letter memory task where random strings of letters are presented to the participant and they have to recall the last 4 of them.
I am new to OpenSesame and Python and I have much trouble figuring how to do this.
I know the steps but don't know how to code it :
1. I define my variables
- numberTrials = 30 # number of strings presented to the participant
- fixationDuration = 1000 # the duration (in ms) of the fixation cross (default: 1000ms)
- letterDuration = 2500 # the duration (in ms) of each letter (default: 2500ms)
- letters = ["B","C","D","F","G","H","J","K","L","M","N","P","R","S","T","V","W","X","Z"]
- set_sizes = [5,7,9] # 3 set sizes to choose from randomly
2. I need to create, if I have X trials (lets say 30),
- 10 random lists of letters 5 letters long
- 10 random lists of letters 7 letters long
- 10 random lists of letters 9 letters long
- BUT there can't be the same consonant twice in a string !
3. Then I have to present them to the participant in this sequence :
Fixation (1000ms) -> 5-9 letters (2500ms per letter, letters randomly selected without repeat) -> recall screen (the participant has to enter the 4 last letters in the correct order) -> feedback (until response) -> logging the letters entered and the number of correct letters entered in order.
(so I guess there will have to be a way of saving the last 4 letters of a string)
NB : best would be to have a short training with feedback
Could you help me with the different parts of the code ?
Thanks for reading me,
After looking at the advanced tutorial, googling bits of python code, learning to use OpenSesame by trial and error - basically spending a full day on it - I succeeded in creating the task myself ! :-)