Incorporating self-paced breaks
I am having trouble knowing how to incorporate self-paced breaks into my experiment. The experimental design consists of participants seeing a fixation cross, followed by a prime colour, then a face displaying an emotional expression. Participants have to categorise that emotional expression as quickly as possible. Currently we have 120 trials. I would like to allow participants to take a break after every 30 trials (equating to 3 breaks in total). Separating the experimental loop into separate blocks is not really an option as we need complete randomisation of the trials.
I believe there is a way to get around this by keeping the structure the same and I have tried to follow previous advice on the forum of what to do. However, I do not understand how to indicate a run-if statement, and where the coding for the run-if statement needs to go? For example, I’m not sure where to put the inline_script: " if (self.get('count_trial_sequence')+1) % 30 == 0 ". Is this even the right script we should be using?
Ultimately though, do I add (and if so, whereabouts do I add) the inline-script within the end-of-block sketchpad script?
Or, do I add it within the trial sequence script? (See screenshot below).
Or alternatively, do I add the script in the block loop 'break if' section? (See screenshot below).
Hopefully this makes sense!
Hi Georgia,
You can put this inline_script as the first item into your trial loop (or last item).
You can also just drag a sketchpad/feedback item in there, and set its run if field, to the count of the loop (similar to what you proposed above):
[count_trial_sequence]+1 % 30 = 0
I hope this helps,
Hi Eduard,
Thank you for your response. We have followed your advice by dragging the sketchpad item in the trial sequence, and setting its run-if field as shown in the screen shot below. However, it is not working when we run the experiment.
Are we doing something wrong or could there be a reason it's not working?
Thank you,
Hi Georgia,
Can you be more specific on how it does not work? What happens instead? You can also share your experiment, then I will have a look.