Sound recorder. Mixer already initialized
Dear all,
I've alredy looked through the discussions about sound recorder plugin, and I understand that it hasn't been updated in a while, but I would really appreciate if you have thoughts and suggestions about my problem.
I'm running a linguistic experiment, in which sentences are presented to a participant and then he/she needs to answer a question. Here I need the recording of this answer.
I have two loops in the experiment, for practice and for the experiment itself. For practice loop plugin helps to record the appropriate amount of sound files, however, for experiment loop it ends up only with the recording of trial 4 and gives a warning of the sound mixer being already on (I have a sound stop recording inserted in all the loops).
Here is the message in the debug window: [2020-02-18 21:45:30,221:legacy:187:INFO] enabling hardware surface
[2020-02-18 21:45:30,221:legacy:196:INFO] enabling double buffering
[2020-02-18 21:45:30,223:legacy:200:INFO] video mode ok
[2020-02-18 21:45:30,451:legacy:185:INFO] sampling freq = 48000, buffer size = 1024
[2020-02-18 21:45:30,453:legacy:188:WARNING] mixer already initialized, closing
[2020-02-18 21:45:31,180:experiment:450:INFO] experiment started
[2020-02-18 21:45:31,180:experiment:454:INFO] disabling garbage collection
I would really appreciate if you can suggest something that helps solving this problem!
Thanks in advance!
All the best,