Can't export results
Hi There,
I'm using Jatos Version 3.4.1 (I would update, but since I can't download the results I'm afraid to actually LOSE the data forever...). I'm using DigitalOcean server, 1 vCPUs 1GB.
Everything was going OK, I was able to see results and download them to my computer, but now when I've finished running the experiment, when I try to watch the results, I get a message: "Working... ... might take a while depending on your internet connection and the JATOS server ... please be patient." I was waiting for more then an hour and nothing happened.
I'm trying to be patient but I'm actually freaking out because I don't seem to be able to retrieve my results. the experiment is still running ok, so I don't think it has something to do with the server. Do you have any suggestions? I've been waiting a long time and nothing happens...
Also, I have some pilot studies that I imported to Jatos, with less results (only 30) and I can see and export them just fine, the problem is only with the two real experiments, which have about 200 results on them each. All along it seemed to be working fine, I was able to watch the results.
I'll mention one more thing: I downloaded yesterday some of the results (of one of the experiments) and everything seemed to be working fine, I downloaded a 56,777 KB Text Document, but now even when I'm trying to open the results section of my experiment on Jatos, I get this "working" message. I'm really worried...
I finished running my study, I just need the results for the analysis.
please HELP!
Hi Orin,
First, don't panic. Even if you can't export your data, they are in the database and there will be a way to access them. Still, you're right that it's a very good idea not to update JATOS until you've safely exported everything.
The issue you have is most likely related to memory issues in your DO server. See this other question.
In short, you could do two things: (1) export your results bit by bit, in smaller batches that are manageable for your server. Or (2) temporarily increase your DO's memory, just enough time to export your results. Then go back to the cheaper plan.
Please let us know if this worked!
Hi Elisa,
Thank you for you answer.
The first thing you suggested isn't possible, because I can't load the results, after a long time I get a message that says "Couldn't read results data."
I would like to try the other options, but when I try to resize my DO memory, I get noticed that I must turn off the Droplet before resizing. What will happen if I turn off Droplet?
Thanks again,
Hi Orin,
yes, you must turn off you Droplet before resizing. This is not a problem. JATOS stores its data in a database or in the file system and both survive a restart. I did this many times with e.g. which is also currently hosted on Digital Ocean.
I'm so happy!
Thank you Kristian and Elisa.
Nice! :D
Hi Orin!
I have the same problem and I just wanted to export the results from one participant (myself, to check that the files include all data that I need). Could you tell me which droplet size you chose instead?
@Orin (Sorry, I forgot to tag to you in my post above)