Tip: Getting data from Limesurvey
using Limesurvey, one can export data as SPSS data and syntax file - but not as .sav which is needed in JASP /jamovi.
I want to share the/a way, you can actually use all the meta data that is in those files in JASP/jamovi and which takes manual labor from you if you would be importing a .csv (from Limesurvey).
On the Limesurvey forum ( https://www.limesurvey.org/forum/can-i-do-this-with-limesurvey/121113-export-as-spss-sav-file#198756 ) I got the tip to use PSPP to create the .sav file.
I report: It this works perfectly.
Solution in steps:
1. Export your results/data from Limesurvey ( https://www.limesurvey.org/ ) as SPSS (syntax and data file)
2. Use PSPP ( https://www.gnu.org/software/pspp/ ) and open the syntax file
3. you will probably need to adjust the source in the syntax file:
will probably need your path:
4. mark all lines in the syntax file, select RUN ALL. This will import your data, and set all labels, datatype etc.
5. Still in PSPP save the data as "pspp format" (which is SPSS .sav)
6. open jamovi (https://www.jamovi.org/) /jasp (https://jasp-stats.org/) and open the file
7. be happy about your data and it's meta data
I also created a PDF (1.2 MB) with steps and images. Link: https://datenbank-projekt.de/index.php/download_file/593/0
You can also see a screencast on Youtube ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGR3gsTwxa0 ):
Take care