creating a sequence of images
Hi All,
I am having an issue with creating a sequence of images in OpenSesame. I have inserted my block loop, the columns are named Img1, Img2 and so on and I have specified the name of the image file in each cell. The relevant images are in the file pool. I need my experiment to run the images for each condition in linear order up to my two target images (the last two of each set) which also contain an audio file each (the participant will have to choose which sentence describes the situation better).
So far I have not managed to make my image sequence. I have tried in two ways: if I click on the image icon on my sketch pad, it will give me an option to choose an image form my pool file. I do not want to do this as this entails that i will have to place every image manually for each condition. I have 12 conditions + fillers and some of them have 15 images each, so this is very time consuming.
I have tried writing the name of the image column via the text option like [Img1], but when I run the experiment the output is the name of the image that is inserted in the block loop. The image is in the file pool and the name matches. I have looked at examples of Visual world paradigms (not exactly the same) and I have seen that when the name of the image is simply inserted, it shows the image from the pool.
So my question is: how do I make the experiment run the images 1-15 automatically for each condition, then the two target images that also contain an audio file, and then collect the mouse-click response for the more appropriate sentence?
Thank you!
Could you upload your experiment? Maybe there is something wrong that I can spot. Please also include the file pool (the images for one trial are sufficient).
Hi Eduard,
I managed to make it work, I have 15 different sketchpads and each of them runs one image. However, I have another issue now: there is a long waiting time in between-conditions, like 5 seconds. I am not sure whether this is loading time, since the full experiment has a really big pool (167mb), or it is something I set up wrong. I did set the timeout to 3000ms because I don't want the experiment to be stuck if the participant does not reply, but the reply is set to keypress. Should't this mean that when the answer key is pressed the task automatically continues? Can something be done to reduce waiting time?
I am attaching the task with 4 conditions.
Thanks a million,
Hi Marta,
What delay do you mean? I don't see anything particulary slow. I checked the timing and from after they keyboard item, to the next first image it is only a few hundred milliseconds. Maybe you mean after the second target? In this case it might make a difference if you set the duration of the audio to 0 instead of sound.
Does that fix it?
btw. It is a little unclear what the keys are the you are supposed to press and the first two images (of the first trial) are missing in the pool. That made it a little hard for me to debug.
Hi Eduard,
Yes, there is a delay after the second target, when it goes form one condition to the next.
If you did not notice it, then maybe it is because of the big file pool, good to know.
Sorry about the incomplete file pool, there was a lot of cutting to do and I unfortunately I must have cut two of the relevant images. Thank you very much for helping out.