Touch response issue with OSWeb
Hello everyone,
I have an issue with the touch_response item in OSWeb.
In the task I am creating, I need participant to choose between 2, 3 or 4 image objects presented in an horizontal line by clicking on the objects. The experiment needs to be performed online, so I used directly the touch_response item. I achieved this using touch_responses item with respectively 2, 3 or 4 columns and 1 row, since the object are all aligned. So for example I have a sketchpad like this with duration =0 and a following touch response with columns=2 and row=1:
In Opensesame works just fine, but when I try it in the browser with OSWeb or with the Jatos test server the touch response does not work. Specifically, it behaves as if my answer was always the first column only (response_touch_response=1).
I compared my task structure with the one shared by Sebastiaan in this thread, which works fine from my computer, and I can't find any difference in settings or structure, expect for the number of rows used (and the structures of the task, obviously).
I tried the task on both Mozilla and Chrome (updated) but still the touch_response behaves like if I was always clicking the first column only. I also tried to change the number of columns / rows but nothing.
Any suggestion would be highly appreciated!
For the Murphy's law, I run out into the solution an hour after I posted this, despite being stuck here for days.
If anyone will ever encountered my same problem: the touch_response was actually correctly recorded. But the problem is that I was using two feedback items, to be shown according to the choice. So for example, choosing the object n1 will display the feedback object n1, set with a "run if: [response_touch_response]=1
Changing [response_touch_response]=1 in simply [response]=1 fixed the issue.