this analysis terminated unexpectedly
HI all,
tried to open an old file (and with old I mean, that I created a few months back) and now I'm getting all these errors messages that I don't know how to fix (see below). Anyone have any ideas?
This analysis terminated unexpectedly.
Error: Trying to decode columnName but 'Vividness Pretest' is not an encoded columnName!
Stack trace
tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1]])
doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler)
withCallingHandlers(expr = analysis(jaspResults = jaspResults, dataset = dataset, options = options), error = .addStackTrace)
analysis(jaspResults = jaspResults, dataset = dataset, options = options)
.readDataSetToEnd( = numericVariables, = factorVariables, = c(numericVariables, factorVariables))
.fromRCPP('.readDatasetToEndNative', unlist(columns), unlist(, unlist(, unlist(, all.columns ≠ FALSE), args)
(new('C++Function', .Data = function (...)
.External(InternalFunction_invoke, xp, ...)
}, pointer = , docstring = character(0), signature = character(0)))(NULL, c('Vividness Pretest', 'Vividness Interimtest1', 'Vividness Interimtest2', 'Vividness Interimtest3', 'Vividness Posttest'), NULL, c('Intervention', 'Memory'), FALSE)
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This may be relevant:
I checked the thread, but doesn't seem to provide a solve to the issue (also checked the linked github thread there). I updated JASP (from 18 to 18.1) and then this problem popped up; perhaps it's somewhat relevant.
Ah. Well I think your best bet is to contact the programmers by posting the issue on our GitHub page!