creating different lists and one for each participant
I am asking this question as I have 10 days to finish this project and I do not have a lot of time to look through all the forum questions right now. I know this has been asked before but I am new to jatos and opensesame, I was hoping to get a quick answer while I look through forum questions. I have created a project with jatos and opensesame and it runs and collects data but I need to create another variation of this project.
I want to have an experiment with 4 different lists. Each particpant should get one list (participant 1 list1, participant2 list2, parcticpant3 list3, particpant4 list4, participant5 list on). Order of items in the lists is already determined. How can I change my existing experiment (with one list) so that it can have the four different lists and loops through only one list for each individual participant?
I saw in forum question that easiest way to do this to create 4 different experiment with one experiment for each list. i would upload each experiment in jatos and send links associated with that particular list. But, this would get confusing as we need to make sure that each list is used in order and equally.
I am used to using PCIbex where you just add same letter to the same list in the excel file and it will loop through the different letter for each indiviual (particpant 1 gets all the items with A in their column, particpant 2 gets all the items with B in their column, and so on before loops back to items with A) automatically each time the link is run.
How can I do this in Openseasme or creating different project is the fastest way to do this?
Thank you so much.