JASP Classical Meta-Analysis issues with default settings / fields showing
Hi all! I am a first time JASP user and trying to run a classical meta-analysis. Strangely, when I insert a dataset (either a pre-set one in JASP like the BCG vaccine dataset, or my own) I do not get the same fields or drop-down options as in any of the JASP tutorials, and the tables that are generated in the results pane are different also and not what I am looking for.
What I expect to see is the fields 'Effect Size', 'Effect Size standard error', 'Method', 'Study Labels', 'Covariates' and 'Factors'. But instead, I get ''Effect Size', 'Effect Size standard error', 'Method', 'Fixed effect test', 'Predictors', 'Clustering', and 'Study Labels'.
The tables I expect to be generated in the Results pane are 'Fixed and random effects', 'Coefficients' and 'Residual Heterogeneity elements'. But instead, I get 'Residual Heterogeneity test', 'Pooled effect size test' and 'Meta-analytic estimates'.
All the fields in 'Model' and 'Statistics' sections below are also different.
See screenshot of what my JASP is producing when I run a classical meta-analysis.
I assume this may be an issue with the default settings or pre-sets?
Does anyone have any idea what the issue could be?
Any ideas and guidance is hugely appreciated!
Carly :)