Problem with Eye-Tracking Experiment
Dear OS community,
I have posted the following in the PyGaze section but maybe here is more appropriate. I apologize in advance for the repetition.
I am trying for the first time to build an eye-tracking experiment in OS. In my lab we are using Tobii Pro Fusion, that supports up to Python 3.10. Therefore I performed the following steps following the documentation attached:
- Created a virtual environment in Anaconda that works on Python 3.10 and installed OS and related packages in this environment. Documentation:
- I then installed tobii_research in OS python console. Documentation:
- I started building my experiment using the available eye-tracking template (OS v4), however the pygaze_init is not working as intended. Thus I created an inline script to initialize and calibrate the tracker.
Inline Script
import tobii_research as tr
import time
# Find all connected eye trackers
trackers = tr.find_all_eyetrackers()
if len(trackers) > 0:
pygaze_eyetracker = trackers[0] # Use the first available tracker
print("Tobii Pro Fusion connected successfully!")
print("Error: Could not find an eye tracker.")
pygaze_eyetracker = None
# Initialize calibration settings
if pygaze_eyetracker:
print("Starting calibration...")
print("Calibration complete.")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Calibration failed: {e}")
However, when I run the experiment the following error(s) occur:
Calibration failed: 'EyeTracker' object has no attribute 'calibrate'
File "C:\Users\f-eflamprou\.conda\envs\opensesame_p3_env\lib\site-packages\opensesame_plugins\pygaze\pygaze_drift_correct\", line 52, in prepare
self.experiment.pygaze_eyetracker. \
AttributeError: 'Experiment' object has no attribute 'pygaze_eyetracker'
I was wondering if you could assist me on this matter.
Finally, my last question has to do with storing eye-tracking data. Is this implemented via inline script or incorporated within the pygaze plugins? Any reading or previous discussion suggested would be a massive help!
Operating System: Windows 10
Python version: 3.10
Pygaze version: 0.8
OS: V4
Thank you in advance or your time and consideration.
Best regards,
Hi @Effie,
I haven’t used Tobii before (I mostly work with EyeLink from SR Research), but I’ll do my best to help!
It looks like Tobii’s calibration process works differently than what you’re trying in your inline script i.e., that the Eyetracker object itself does not have a .calibrate() method, which is why you're getting that error.
Instead, you probably need to use Tobii’s ScreenBasedCalibration class to handle calibration (e.g., using calibration = tr.ScreenBasedCalibration(pygaze_eyetracker), then calibration.enter_calibration_mode(), then draw the points, etc.)
Here is the relevant documentation, to help you modify your script:
Regarding data logging, once you’ve started recording (e.g., using the pygaze_start_recording item), you should be able to log data with pygaze_log items—at least, that’s how it works with Eyelink. If you’re handling everything through inline scripts, I’d recommend checking the Tobii documentation again for specifics on data recording/storage (I think it's the bit about subscribing to gaze data events).
Hope this helps!
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