Bug or feature (or just not jet implemented) in canvas copy
in OpenSesame
Having a sketchpad with a line (names "B") and an arrow (named "A") I would expect naively that the following code:
from openexp.mouse import mouse my_mouse = mouse(exp) my_canvas = self.copy_sketchpad("welcome") my_Arrow = my_canvas['A'] my_Line = my_canvas['B'] while True: pos, time = my_mouse.get_pos() my_Arrow.ex = pos[0] my_Arrow.ey = pos[1] my_Line.ex = pos[0] my_Line.ey = pos[1] my_canvas.show()
Would let both arrow and line endings to follow my mouse pointer. But:
With the "Psycho" and "Xpyriment" back-ends, only the line-ending follows,The arrow stays unchanged
With the "legacy" back-end, I get the following error:
File "C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenSesame\Lib\site-packages\libopensesame\inline_script.py", line 116, in run self.workspace._exec(self.crun) File "C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenSesame\Lib\site-packages\libopensesame\base_python_workspace.py", line 124, in _exec exec(bytecode, self._globals) Inline script, line 4, in <module> File "C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenSesame\Lib\site-packages\libopensesame\inline_script.py", line 183, in copy_sketchpad c.copy(self.experiment.items[sketchpad_name].canvas) File "C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenSesame\Lib\site-packages\openexp\_canvas\legacy.py", line 158, in copy Canvas.copy(self, canvas) File "C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenSesame\Lib\site-packages\openexp\_canvas\canvas.py", line 784, in copy for name, element in canvas._elements.items() File "C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenSesame\Lib\site-packages\openexp\_canvas\canvas.py", line 784, in <listcomp> for name, element in canvas._elements.items() File "C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenSesame\Lib\site-packages\openexp\_canvas\_element\legacy.py", line 47, in copy return self.__class__(canvas, **properties) TypeError: __init__() missing 4 required positional arguments: 'sx', 'sy', 'ex', and 'ey'
So apparently the copy function chokes.
When removing the arrow, the legacy back-end does allow me to copy the canvas.
I am trying to create a plugin, and there I seem to be unable to use copy_sketchpad. There I use Canvas.copy on the canvas element of the sketchpad item, and see the same behavior.
Hi Mark,
Thanks for this. I filed an issue, and it should be fixed for 3.3.1.
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And there is also the issue of the arrows not reacting to the position properties changing...