[open] Continuous Flash Supression Experiment.
Hi guys,
I am programing an Continuous Flash Supression experiment (CFS).
The basic idea is to present on one eye an image (face or car or whatever) and on the other eye overlapping circular patches that are random in color and size and switching at around 13 Hz.
Here you can see to have an idea (Taken from Martin Hebart website).
I created an inline python script to present the flashing circles:
from psychopy.visual import GratingStim, event, core,SimpleImageStim,TextStim, Circle
import numpy as np
Sq_area= 250
while circ_area<(8*(Sq_area*Sq_area)):
myTex = np.random.random(3)
Opac = np.random.uniform(0.3, 1, size=1)
Posx = np.random.uniform(-(Sq_area/2), (Sq_area/2), size=1)
Posy = np.random.uniform(-(Sq_area/2), (Sq_area/2), size=1)
Rad = np.random.uniform(10, (Sq_area/5), size=1)
myStim = Circle(win,units='pix', radius=Rad, opacity=Opac, pos=(Posx,Posy), lineWidth=0)
myStim.setFillColor(myTex, 'rgb')
myStim.setLineColor(myTex, 'rgb')
circ_area= circ_area + ((Rad*Rad)*np.pi)
Of course this is extremely inefficient and memory demanding, so it is impossible to get a reliable flashing rate, since the computer get stuck sometimes.
Does anybody has another more efficient idea how to do this?
Is the only other option to create several images (jpg) and load them randomly?
Thanks a lot in advance for any feedback.
This seems an interesting problem.
Without knowing much about psychophysics myself, I can only make some suggestions:
Do the stimuli really need to be generated freshly on each trial?
If PsychoPy allows this, maybe you could instead generate a number of folders full of .png of .svg images using your script, and then use something like ImageMagick to convert each folder into a video? This would be pretty painless compared to showing a different 100 times a second.
I hope this helps!
Thanks a lot for your answer Eoin,
To add the needed frames in the prepare phase doesn't seems to really improve the situation.
Still the refresh rate is too slow.
For the moment i am thinking about 2 options.
One is to load at the very beginning of the experiment something like 200 configurations of frames and choose randomly 36 on each trial (I need to present 3 secs at a sampling rate of 12 Hz).
Another is to definitely create in JPG format something like 500 random pics pre-load them to be used during the experiment.
Do you think any of them is better than the other? Any other idea?
Thanks in advance to any creative mind there.
I've just tried the following, and it seems to do what you want on my computer anyway. Maybe you could try this, and let us know how you get on?
I've made a new experiment, and in it I've placed a single
item.In the Prepare Phase tab of this, I've typed:
Then, in the Run Phase tab, I've typed:
The result for me is a 3 second burst of all 35 images in my Webcam folder.
If this works on your machine, I would advise simply generating your stimuli as a series of jpgs, saving them to one folder, and then modifying my code so that the prepare phase looks like:
I've just tried this on a different folder of images, with a higher resolution (2048x1536, from my phone, rather than 640x480, from my webcam), and I do find it lags. You may want to compress your jpgs (again, ImageMagick is your friend here).
Edit Again:
For a good laugh, set your image path to a folder of FaceGen stimuli.
Hi Eoin,
Thanks a lot again for your help.
Actually my original idea was trying to generate images on the fly but it seems that any method is definitely too inefficient, since requires the generation of multiple canvas.
As you proposed i am at the moment creating a pool of 300 images and loading 36 randomly on every trial, it seem to work pretty well.
I need pictures that are 300*300 px. so there is not any kind of memory overload.
Thanks again for your advice and help.
Hi There again... This is maybe a really silly question but I 've been stuck on it for some hours and i cant find a proper solution. In the CFS experiment I have succesfully overcome the problem of multiple pictures presentation thanks to Eoin's idea.
Nevertheless it is impossible for me to present 2 canvas at the same time (i need to present the flashing mondrian pictures at the same time that a face that is presented during the same period of time). So the code I have so far is:
Prepare phase:
Run Phae: Here comes the tricky thing becasue If i "put my_canvas2.show()" before or after the canvas for the flashing mondrians it will present them before or after and not at the same time. Contrary if i put it inside of the mondrian loop it will flash the pictures.
Any idea?
Thanks in advance.
Could you please clarify, are you trying to superimpose the flashing mondrians on top of your static image (the banana, I think), rather than alternating between the two, or showing them side by side?
If so, I don't think it's possible to superimpose two canvasses in OpenSesame like this. What you could do instead is create .png images where this is already done - i.e. for each target image you want to present, generate a folder of images of it superimposed with each mondrain in advance, and then show the images from each folder, using the code above.
While this isn't something I've specifically done myself, it should be relatively easy using ImageMagick, especially if you ask on the forums dedicated to the software.
Not having ImageMagick installed on my office computer, I can only give an untested example, but I think that to superimpose 100 mondrain images, in this case titled mondrain001.png to mondrain100.png, over a target titled target.png in the same folder, a DOS/Unix command along these lines would be appropriate.
creating files titled target001.png to target100.png.
Hi Eoin,
Thanks for your reply.
Sorry I wasnt so clear.
Actually what I need is to present continuously one picture during 3 secs on one side of the screen (banana) while on the other side of the screen at the same time are flickering the mondrian paterns at 12 hz (the loop canvas).
I hope now is a bit clearer.
Thanks a lot,
Ah, ok, that's a lot simpler.
A Canvas refers to the whole screen, you can't have two canvases side by side, but you can easily draw your mondrains on one side of the canvas, and the target on the other.
I think the most efficient way of doing this would be to prepare 24(?) canvases like this in advance during the prepare phase:
Then, in the run phase, all you need to do is show this list of canvases sequentially.
I can't test this from this computer, but hopefully this should solve your (interesting!) problem.