[open] record and measure reaction times of vocal responses
Hi everyone,
I want to run an experiment, in which the proband has to execute two tasks simultaneously. The first task consists of four white quadrats, which can be seen on the screen and of which in every trial one flashs green. The proband then has to react with the appropiate keypress. Simultaneously to the flashing quadrat every time either a high or a deep tone sounds and the proband has to speek then either "high" or "deep" in the microphone. The proband is instructed to react first to the quadrat and then to the tone. I need the reaction time of the keypress and the reaction time of the vocal response. Furhtermore i need recordings of the vocal responses for later analysis, so that I have a wave file for each trial, which always begins with the stimuls Onset (the time the tone is presented) and ends at a certain specified point (shortly before the next tone appears).
I´ve already found a script about vocal reaction time measurement provided by Sebastiaan which might be useful for the purpose I pursuit in my experiment and also information about how to start recording always at the stimulus Onset:
Is it possible at all to realize the described experiment with Open Sesame, because the presented stimuli in the experiments I found here were always visual stimuli and not accoustical ones ? I wonder if theres an possible interference with the sounds and the vocal responses, which makes a reaction time measurement of the vocal response difficult ?
Further more one trial only has a length of about 1,5 seconds. Despite the short trial duration, is it possible to get preferably accurate vocal reaction times and reliable recordings, because the time of the recordings I found here were always at least five seconds ?
Thanks very much for your help !
If you want to save the sound files, you'll want to take a look at the soundrecorder plugins written by @dschreij:
The main difference with the script that you point to is that this script determines the sound onset online, but doesn't save the sound file. In contrast, the soundrecorder plug-ins save the sound file, but don't determine the sound onset, so you'll have to do that yourself afterwards.
Regarding interference between sound playback and recording: Headphones should do the job!
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Hi Sebastiaan,
Thank you very much for your quick response.
Is it possible to use both simultaneously ? To determine the reactions times of the voice onsets online and simultaneously use the sound recorder plugins (which start always at the stimulus onset and end shortly before the next trial) to record the vocal responses of the probands for later analysis. On the one hand I would be then able to determine the reaction times of the voice onsets during the experiment and on the other hand to check the recorded answers later, whether they´re correct or incorrect. And I would have the raw data for reviewing them in case of checking the reaction times manually afterwards.
Thank you and kind regards !
I'm not 100% sure whether you can do both at the same time. I can imagine that the script and plugin interfere with each other, because they are both capturing mic input. But this probably depends on how your operating system handles audio, so it's worth a try.
Alternatively, you can modify the script so that the audio data is not only analyzed, but also written to file. You can kind of see how this is done here:
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