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Hi @T_Q, No worries! Glad I could help and that the task is now working! Best, Fabrice.
Hi @AHaan, This peaked my curiosity and so I had a quick look. Turns out that the issue is not the last Sketchpad but the logger. If you use some inline_javascript to write something to the console right after the sketchpad, you can see that it actu…
Hi @T_Q, Please avoid posting the same questions on multiple forums (doing so makes it more difficult for user to find information). I answered your other message here: https://forum.cogsci.nl/discussion/9693/inline-html-and-logging-variables Best, …
Hi @T_Q, The solution is actually quite simple and is available in the documentation here: https://osdoc.cogsci.nl/4.0/manual/forms/html/ There you find the following description: "The attribute of tags corresponds to an experimental variabl…
Hi @Lisa_99, Since you work with inline_Javascript, I'm gonna assume that you intend to run your experiment through OSWeb within a browser. Just for your information, if you were not, you could simply use the "constrain maxrep" command in …
Hi @CarlaC, Glad that you found a workaround. It does sound like the issue is with Chrome and that laptop (perhaps more specifically its sound card). Best, Fabrice.
Hi @CarlaC, That's really puzzling indeed. If the problem occurs on a specific computer, there may be an issue there, though it's hard to know where it comes from. Could be some issue between the browser and the sound hardware on that laptop (have y…
Hi @Anaïs, I'm assuming that you're not trying to run on Open Sesame 3.1 an experiment initially saved from Open Sesame 4.0, but that you reprogrammed the same experiment from sractch in Open Sesame 3.1. Can you confirm? If so, please check that the…
Hi @CarlaC, I downloaded your demo task and tried it but could njot reproduce the problem you described. I completed several trials and the sound sounded exactly the same every time (no change in picth or volume). I tried it executing it from OSWen…
Hi @JKellogg, Is your version of Open Sesame 4 up to date? I don't have a Mac to try it out but in Windows the sampler is working correctly with the duratiiobn set to "sound". There might be an issue on Mac but I'm not aware of it (@sebast…
Hi @JKellogg, This can be achieved using nested loops, break if conditions and some code. Level 1 loop with a single row, a high number of cycles and a break if condition. Level 2 loop with the 24 trials with a break if condition (that would be met …
Hi @JKellogg, The simplest method is to use a nested loop system where the keyboard object is in its own loop. You should set up the number of cycles of that loop to what ever number of key presses the trial requires (this can even be set from a var…
Hi @JKellogg, There are probably several ways to do this., but here's one method that is realtively economical. Here's the logic: 1. Set Up the Experiment Add all your sound files (e.g., 1.ogg, 2.ogg) to the File Pool. Use Inline Script items to man…
Hi @Naïde, The form is a great feature to collect text but it does not offer the option to specify another key than ENTER/RETURN to validate the input and end the form. Also, it does not allow you to set a time limit. In your case, what you'd need i…
Hi @Evelina, On the page you reffered to, it says: "The Operation Span (OSPAN), a measure of working memory capacity, was used as the outcome task. The OSPAN was programmed in PsychoPy2 (v1.83.04)". PsychPy2 is not OpenSesame. If you'd lik…
Hi @guipru, This indicates that the condition is not met, hence the issue must be with your condition statement. In the Run if section, the code introduced is essentially Python, so there is no need to use the "[" and "]" bracket…
Hi @joelsolo99, I had a quick look but can't spot the reason why the experiment does not appear to reach its end. I suspect it is cascading down from code executed ealier. I noted that you have several forms that generate error messages in the brows…
Hi Kristian, @kri (message updated, see below) Open Sesame doesn't let me chose any particular data format. I just use the default logger, and the data stored in JATOS do look like JSON. In the past, back when I was using Jatos 3.6.1, I'd export th…
Hi @joelsolo99, That's odd. I notice taht yourb task contains no loop (thats rather strange, 'caise it's sugests yoiur task has no trials list, though I'm not sure trhis is what might cause the issue) and several inline_javascript. I can really debu…
Hi @Tryfonas_Bikos, The cursor_roi is the right method, but you'd need to insert some coding right after each of your two mouse objects to save the cursor_roi into a distinct variable after each mouse response. That way your logger will contrain, f…
Hi there, I'm following up on this to report a similar problem. We recently updated out server to Jatos 3.9.3 to run an experiment programmed with OSWeb. The data are registered by Jatos but when I export them and try to convert it with Open Sesame,…
Hi @joelsolo99, There probably is an error in the way you set up the task, but it's not possible to debug it without seeing what you've done exactly. What have you tried so far to debug it? Try the task without that html object and see if the task c…
Hi @Ergun, There would be multiple ways of achieving this. IU'm assuming you're looking for a solution in open Sesame and not OSWeb (since you posted this message in this forum). Here are a coupe of ways to do it: Method 1 Usiing an inine_script obj…
Hi @kri, Super! Thanks! 😃 best, Fab.
Hi @Slobodanp, I went back to the sampe task I jhad sent you back then (available here: https://we.tl/t-pDd308Kt04) and tried it in the browser with the latest version of OSWeb and got no error message (I used Chrome). So I the sample.pause() comman…
Hi @amlema, You get an error because, as the error message indicates, the information you provide as a duratrion is invalid. A file name is not a duration. The solution depends on whether or not you just want to present a sketchpad and sound simulta…
Hi @Tanvi, Please do not send the same request in multiple posts, so that infrmation remains all in the same location for users and to avoid duplication. You qlready posted this request here: https://forum.cogsci.nl/discussion/9475/computerize-iow…
Hi @Tanvi, Your request is too general to offer specific advice. Here some general advice: Familiarize Yourself with OpenSesame: If you're new to OpenSesame, I recommend starting by exploring the basics. There are plenty of tutorials available on t…
@Janos, If you check my example you'll see how it is implemented: the task i sent you is working. It is not the same method you used (at least in your original post you seemd to be using javascript code within some HTML code). If you'd like to progr…
Hi @Janos, I'm not sure I understand what the issue you're refering to is. You can use code in the inline_javascript to set your scale variable bsaed on the participant's response and simply use that variable to set the scale of your image from the …