OpenSesame 2.9.0 "Hesitant Heisenberg" released!
I'm delighted to announce the release of OpenSesame 2.9.0 Hesitant Heisenberg. This release is an important step forward in usability and stability. As always, you can download OpenSesame from here:
Let's take a look at some highlights (see also the 2.9.0 release notes):
Improved drag-and-drop support
You can now re-order items in a sequence
and in the overview area through drag-and-drop. What is more, you can create 'linked' copies of items by keeping control pressed while dragging, and 'unlinked' copies by keeping control and shift pressed. You can even drag an item from one instance of OpenSesame to another!
This functionality is also available through the item context menu, which pops up when you right-click on an item:
Better Python integration
Functions and classes that are defined in an inline_script
are automatically detected and shown in the overview area.
The syntax of an inline_script
is also checked automatically. Invalid scripts are marked with a red cross.
Quick switcher
You can activate a quick switcher by pressing meta+O (or windows-key+O). The quick switcher allows you to navigate through your experiment without using the mouse. Items, functions, help pages, menu actions: Nearly everything is accessible through the quick switcher!
Extension framework
An extension framework has been created to make it easier for third party developers to contribute to OpenSesame. Extensions integrate with the user interface in very flexible ways. An example of an extension is the quick switcher described above. For more information, see:
PyGaze integration
The Windows packages of OpenSesame now come with PyGaze plug-ins for eye tracking.