[open] Comments repeating in form_base
I am not sure if this is a bug or not but I am having strange issues with opensesame's base form. I have downloaded the portable version of opensesame and replaced the python pygaze files with the latest version. I have added the form base in my experiment and it comes with these 2 comments.
" Margins are defined as "top;right;bottom;left". Each value corresponds to a
margin in pixels. The spacing is simply a value in pixels."
When I delete these comments, and click on apply and close, on reopening the form they get duplicated. This has resulted in about 21658 automatic repeated above comments in my file. Is there any way to switch off automatic comment generation in this file ? I cannot even get to load the experiment now because of this. Can someone help me in it ?
The code in the form is described below and I am wondering if the image path variable is leading to it.:
# comments here that keep on increasing, Subject_Set is a variable
# that takes into account subject_nr to calculate its final value
set cols "1;1;1;1"
set margins "25;50;25;50"
set rows "1;1;1;1;1;1"
set spacing "25"
widget 0 0 4 3 image_button path="[Subject_Set]_[fname]" var="image_response"
widget 0 3 4 1 rating_scale var="response_estimate" nodes="0-5;5-10"
widget 1 4 2 1 rating_scale var="familiarity" nodes="Familiar;NotFamiliar"
widget 1 5 2 1 button text="Next"
Thanks for your help
You probably disagree, but this error sounds funny (reminds me of the Lernaean Hydra from Greek mythology).
Unfortunately, I don't know how you can fix it with nothing more than you already have. However, shortly there will be an updated version of Opensesame portable available (Maybe even this week). So, if you can wait for a bit, the new version could be able to solve your issues.
Good luck,
Hi @nakoli,
I cannot reproduce this issue. Are you using the latest version of OpenSesame (2.9.2)? If so, could you describe a way to reliably reproduce the problem (from scratch, not in your specific experiment)?
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Hi all,
I am experiencing the same issue (I am using the latest version of OpenSesame: 2.9.5).
Basically, what happens is the following:
I copy the example form from the homepage (http://osdoc.cogsci.nl/forms/custom-forms/#creating-forms-using-opensesame-script)
This code includes both comments and commands in the OpenSesame script syntax interspersed.
Next, I click on "Apply and close" and then I click on some other item in my experiment,
When I return to my form_base item and click on "View script", the code is sorted - first, all the lines with comments appear, then all commands in the OpenSesame script syntax.
If I repeat the procedure (clicking on "Apply and close", going to another item, returning to the form_base item and clicking on "View script"), all comment lines have been doubled. This happens everytime I repeat the procedure.
Best regards,
Hi Pascal,
Thanks for the clear description. Indeed, I can reproduce it now, and have filed an issue for 2.9.6.
By the way, the fact that the script gets sorted is not really a bug, in the sense that it results from the way that the OpenSesame script is parsed (although it's not ideal). The comment duplication definitely is a bug, though.
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