[solved] Logging errors - Acc and RT undefined / incorrectly calculated
Hi all,
I am having some trouble with an experiment. In an attentional capture task, the default opensesame variables dealing with accuracy and RT (Both the ones that record averages, and the ones specific for each trial) are not logging properly.
Specifically, the variables acc
, accuracy
, average_response_time
and avg_rt
are always logged as undefined, and the feedback items in the experiment cant reach them (Feedback screen shows "undefined" for any of these variables. Furthermore, the allowed_responses
and correct_response
variables are logged as NA. However, correct and incorrect responses are recognized properly, responses are recorded correctly and all the experimental variables that depend on the and the participant's performance work fine.
Also, I tried the experiment in a different computer, and I got an even stranger behaviour. acc
and accuracy
, show either a 100 or a 0 value for each trial (100 for correct, 0 for incorrect), so it is not really making any accuracy calculations. Also average_response_time
and avg_rt
are not averaging, and they just show the actual response time of each trial.
Maybe this information helps, maybe not, but all these errors I get when running opensesame in a virtual windows machine on a mac; and in a regular windows computer. First errors on the mac, the others on the windows (I have the latest version of Opensesame installed in the mac, but the windows computer has the 2.8 version).
I have tried to delete and replace the keyboard_response and the logger items, and to re-create the experiment from the script editor in a new file, but I still get the same errors. Probably I will end up making my own accuracy and response time variables, but I would still want to know what is going on, and how to keep it from happening again (I had a similar issue with the accuracy and RT variables before, which was never really solved. I just changed the script and included my own variables).
If you want to take a look at the experiment, here it is.
Hope you guys can help me out!
Hi Daniel,
I think the problem is that the feedback variables are being reset by the various
items that are present in yoursequence
s. This happens by default to avoid carry-over effects from block to block: You generally want to reset your feedback variables after every block. But not after every trial, of course. You can disable this with the 'Reset feedback variables' checkbox.Cheers!
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Hi Sebastian,
I disabled the checkbox you mentioned, and now it works perfectly. All variables are calculated and logged just fine. I also understand better how the feedback item works, so I have changed it for text displays in the trial by trial feedback, and kept the feedback items only for the block results.
Thank you very much!!
Hi all,
I think I'm having a problem very similar to Daniel's, but the OpenSesame items are a bit different in the current version? I had several reset_feedback items and I deleted them all, but the problem persists. I have a feedback sketchpad with the following OpenSesame code:
And I can see in the variable inspector that both [acc] and [avg_rt] are being updated trial-by-trial as I run the experiment, but when I get to the feedback sketchpad, it still reads:
End of block.
Your average response time was undefined ms.
Your accuracy was undefined%.
Press any key to continue.
whoops! never mind!!! i see the feedback item now... sorry!