[open] Using audio and text as stimuli in one loop
I am setting up an IAT. I have 5 loops in total, the first is using text with a sketchpad item, the second uses audio with the sampler item, and the fourth will do the same. In the third and fifth loops, both audio and text are used. The participant in all loops categorizes the audio or text as they randomly appear into the targets on the left and right sides of the screen by pressing e or i.
My question as a newbie is how to get the third and fifth loops to work. I have tried a few things, but I get error messages, or the text and audio appear at the same time.
I have tried to put all of the stimuli under one variable name (and also under separate variable columns, labeled for the targets for each the audio [standard dialect] and the text [good bad]).
The sequence contains:
run Test_stimuli_Block3 "always" (a sketchpad)
run pause_Block_3 "always" (sketchpad)
run audio_implicit "always" (sampler)
run IAT_Response "always" (keyboard)
run wrong_Block3 "[response]!=[correct_response]" (sketchpad)
run inline_script "[response]!=[correct_response]"
run logger "always"
I feel like I need to put something else in the program so that it knows where to carry out the different types of stimulus, but am not sure how to do this. Do I need some script, or another item?
Any suggestions are appreciated!
Hi Merion,
What exactly do you mean by this? Is there an auditory and visual stimulus on every trial? Or is there an auditory stimulus on some trials, and a visual stimulus on other trials? And what exactly should the trial sequence look like? Details!
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