Creating a Mind Wandering/Breath Counting Task
Below is pseudo-code for an experiment I'm trying to create in OpenSesame. I lack the background in python and OpenSesame to convert the pseudo-code to proper code. I'm hoping you all can help me!
The experiment is fairly straight forward (conceptually). A blank screen is presented while participants monitor their breath. They silently count each breath to themselves, from 1-9, and then returning back to 1, and on and on. For breaths 1-8, they press the LEFT key at the end of each exhalation. At the end of breath 9, they press the RIGHT key. Every 60-120 seconds, a series of 3 questions pops up asking them where their attention was, how aware they were of where their attention was and what their breath count was. They then resume counting their breath.
# Experiment
import random
var.past_probe_time 0 # initializing probe clock
Begin clock # Begin experiment
while clock <= 1080000: # Duration of experiment
var.breath_count 0 # initialize breath_count
while True:
Present blank screen
# At the end of every exhalation, the participant presses a button
Record response
# Participant is to press the left key after exhalations 1-8, and the right key after exhalation 9; looping
# continuously throughout the experiment
if var.breath_count != 9:
var.correct_response = 'left'
elif var.breath_count == 9:
var.correct_response = 'right'
if clock = past_probe_time + randomint(60000,120000):
present MC form w/question “just now where was your attention? (completely on-task/off-task)” [2-6 scale]
Record response
present MC form w/question “how aware were you of where your attention was? (completely aware/unaware).” [2-6 scale]
present MC form asking participants for breath count [1-9 scale]
If response = var.breath_count
Elif response !=var.breath_count
print: Please resume counting with your first breath.
Hi Christophe,
Here's my suggestion:
Start by learning a bit of Python, for example by doing the Python track on code academy. You certainly don't need to be a Python pro. But with a little effort, you can do better than just asking other people to translate your pseudo-code for you.
Then, if you get stuck on specific points, you can ask specific questions and we will be more than willing to help you.
Do you see my point?
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