[solved] String input problem
I'm doing a test were the participants inputs a string of numbers. I borrowed your code from this thread and got it to work as intended except for one case. The repsonse seem to be interpreted as a value so zeros in the without preceeding numbers in the response are discarded. I've tried handling the input as a string but can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.
from openexp.canvas import canvas
from openexp.keyboard import keyboard
my_canvas = canvas(self.experiment)
my_keyboard = keyboard(self.experiment)
resp = str("") # Here we store the response
while True:
# Get a keyboard response
key, time = my_keyboard.get_key()
# keyboard.to_chr() converts the keycode to a description,
# like 'space' or 'return'. If return is pressed the loop
# should be exited.
if my_keyboard.to_chr(key) == "return":
# Handle backspace by removing the last character
if my_keyboard.to_chr(key) == "backspace":
resp = resp[:-1]
# The built-in chr() converts the keycode to a character,
# like ' ' and '/'.
resp += my_keyboard.to_chr(key)
# Copy the canvas from a sketchpad called 'my_sketchpad' and
# overlay the response
my_canvas.text("mata in de 4 sista siffrorna", x=0,y=-64)
# Save the response
self.experiment.set("response", resp)
Hi Benno,
Welcome to the forum!
Indeed, OpenSesame automatically decides what type a variable is, as described here:
In this case, this is actually not what you want, because when OpenSesame decides that a variable is numeric, the leading zeros will be lost. There are various ways around this, for example by prepending a '_' to the response:
In this case, 0001 will be saved as _0001, and OpenSesame will not think it's an integer. Whether this is a suitable approach depends on how you intend to use these responses later on. If it's just for logging purposes, prepending an '_' should be fine, I think.
As an aside, forms provide a simpler way to collect text input. Depending on what you want to do, you could consider using a form instead of this inline script (but whatever works for you, of course).
Good luck, and let me know if this doesn't answer your question.
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Your sollution works well for my problem.
Thanks for the quick response.