[solved] Minor issued with logged variables
Hi Sebastiaan,
There are some minor issues with the way variables are logged that I would like to hear your opinion:
1. Using item_index = self.get("count_Trial_sequence") the items do not reset to 0 when you move on to a different block or run... I fixed the problem by using:
item_index = self.get("count_Trial_sequence") - (block_index * number_of_trials_per_block)
but I think there should be a standard way of dealing with this.
2. In the output, average_rt and RT are always the same (shouldn't they be different?)
3. Not all the "count" variables actually count, many of them stay 0 all the time
4. I used self.get(count_block_sequence) in my inline script and worked fine, I see it in variable inspector, but it is not in the logger or the output file.
Thanks for any thoughts you may have on this...
There are some minor issues with the way variables are logged that I would like to hear your opinion:
1. Using item_index = self.get("count_Trial_sequence") the items do not reset to 0 when you move on to a different block or run... I fixed the problem by using:
item_index = self.get("count_Trial_sequence") - (block_index * number_of_trials_per_block)
but I think there should be a standard way of dealing with this.
2. In the output, average_rt and RT are always the same (shouldn't they be different?)
3. Not all the "count" variables actually count, many of them stay 0 all the time
4. I used self.get(count_block_sequence) in my inline script and worked fine, I see it in variable inspector, but it is not in the logger or the output file.
Thanks for any thoughts you may have on this...
Yes, maintaining a trial id is a common thing. I don't want to change the behavior of the count_[item] variables per se, but maybe there can be a small plug-in to handle trial id counters. I'll think about the best way to deal with this, but thanks for bringing it to my attention!
You mean "average_response_time" and "avg_rt", I suppose? Yes, these should maintain averages, but they are reset by feedback items. Is it perhaps the case that a feedback item follows every response? (More info.) Come to think of it, I should make 'resetting' optional in feedback items. (Issue filed)
Really? Or only those of items that are called only once (in which case their counter is expected to stay at their initial value, which is 0)? If not, please let me know and I'll mark it as a bug.
Is it perhaps the case that block_sequence has not been called at the time of the first logger? By default the logger logs all variables that it can detect the first time that it is called. If you check the 'Use NA ...' option, it will log all variables that appear to exist in the experiment and marks missing values as 'NA'. Does enabling this option fix your problem? If not, again, please let me know and I'll mark it as a bug.
Thanks for your feedback!
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Thanks for your reply Sebastiaan,
Actually 3 and 4 depend on the same reason. I use a logger during the practice phase which goes before block_sequence appears and before the feedbacks I needed to count. Using the NA option does the trick!