Problem with element clicked for arrows
I am implementing a rotation span task and here is the thing.
I have a canvas of arrow in different direction appearing on the screen, during a test part, in which the task of the participant ti to click on the arrow previously presented in a correct order.
Anyway the issue I have right now is that when I try to collect where participants click, I have very odd results. For some reasons, even if they click between arrows, then element will take a value that is close to an arrow. My arrow are black on a white screen this way:
The code I use to generate them is as follow:
import numpy as np
# calculate length total of an arrow,its position at the beginningm and its position at the end
# relatively to the height of the screen
def calc_parameter_arrow(prop_length_arrow, prop_start_point_arrow):
length_total = int(prop_length_arrow*var.height)
pos_arrow_begin = int(prop_start_point_arrow*var.height)
pos_arrow_final_long = length_total + pos_arrow_begin
return (length_total, pos_arrow_begin, pos_arrow_final_long)
# convert polar to cartesian
def pol2cart(rho, phi):
x = rho * np.cos(phi)
y = rho * np.sin(phi)
return(int(round(x)), int(round(y)))
# transform a length according to various radian, and return a list of list with the x, y cartesian coordinate of this length for these various radians
def coord_cart_radians(length_given, list_radian):
deg_rad_pos = map(( lambda x: [length_given, x]), list_radian)
cartesian_pos_return = [pol2cart(p[0], p[1]) for p in deg_rad_pos]
#calculate radian of arrow separated by 45 degrees
nbr_arrow = 8.
degree_sep = 45.
deg = np.arange(nbr_arrow) * degree_sep
var.deg_rad = np.radians(deg)
var.deg_name = [ int(x) for x in deg ]
# various proportion of arrow relative to the height of the screen
var.prop_arrow_long_length_height = 0.3
var.prop_start_point_arrow_long = 0.1
length_arrow_long_total, pos_arrow_begin_long, pos_arrow_final_long = calc_parameter_arrow(var.prop_arrow_long_length_height, var.prop_start_point_arrow_long)
cartesian_pos_arrow_final_long = coord_cart_radians(pos_arrow_final_long, var.deg_rad)
cartesian_pos_arrow_begin_long = coord_cart_radians(pos_arrow_begin_long, var.deg_rad)
Pratice_arrow_long_Instruct_canvas = Canvas()
for pos, (coord_cart_b, coord_cart_f) in enumerate(zip(cartesian_pos_arrow_begin_long, cartesian_pos_arrow_final_long)):
Pratice_arrow_long_Instruct_canvas['long_arrow%s' % int(var.deg_name[pos])] = Arrow(coord_cart_b[0],coord_cart_b[1], coord_cart_f[0], coord_cart_f[1], head_width = 50, body_length = 0.8, body_width = 0.5, fill = True, color = 'black')
And in order to lauch the canvas and see my clicked element in the variable inspector:
my_mouse = Mouse(visible=True)
counter = -1
while counter <15:
button, (x, y), timestamp = my_mouse.get_click()
var.element_clicked = Pratice_arrow_long_Instruct_canvas.elements_at(x, y)
And when I click between the arrows, for some reason var.element_clicked is taking the value of closest arrow.
I do not really know what I did wrong.
Thank you for any help I also join an example script.
Oh actually I think I noticed something.
The issue is only happening for arrows that are not in a vertical or horizontal direction.
Like if all the pixels in a square around the arrows were considered as belonging to it.
Hi Sylvain,
Right now the
indeed checks whether a point falls inside the bounding rectangle of a polygon. Thinking about how to improve this I came acrossshapely
which seems like a good library for this kind of geometrical operations. If you add the following code to the start of the experiment, the arrow and polygons should accurately indicate whether or not a point falls inside them. (This monkey patches thePolygon
class.)Could you let me know if this works for you?
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Hey Sebastiaan,
Thank you for the answer!
I installed shapely and indeed adding these lines at the very beginning seems to work very well!
I know have other issues with arrows (I originally worked on windows, now this week on osx and I encounter odd behavior but I will make another topic I guess).
But yeah concerning element it works well by adding these lines.
Thank you!