Putting frames around images in form base
Hello all,
I am trying to include several color images in a response form base, and would like them to include a border to help them stand out against the background. A thin, white border would be best. I can not seem to find how to include code that specifies the color and dimensions of the frame around each photo. Here is my code for the base form:
set timeout infinite
set spacing 10
set rows "1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1"
set only_render no
set margins "50;50;50;50"
set cols "1;1"
set _theme gray
widget 0 0 2 1 label text="Please rate each of the following colors on how much they stood out in the image just identified"
widget 0 1 2 1 label text="10=stood out very much and 1=stood out very little"
widget 0 2 1 1 image adjust=yes frame=yes path="[Color1]"
widget 1 2 1 1 rating_scale nodes="1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10" var="[Name]1"
widget 0 3 1 1 image adjust=yes frame=no path="[Color2]"
widget 1 3 1 1 rating_scale nodes="1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10" var="[Name]2"
widget 0 4 1 1 image adjust=yes frame=no path="[Color3]"
widget 1 4 1 1 rating_scale nodes="1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10" var="[Name]3"
widget 0 5 1 1 image adjust=yes frame=no path="[Color4]"
widget 1 5 1 1 rating_scale nodes="1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10" var="[Name]4"
widget 0 6 1 1 image adjust=yes frame=no path="[Color5]"
widget 1 6 1 1 rating_scale nodes="1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10" var="[Name]5"
widget 0 7 1 1 image adjust=yes frame=no path="[Color6]"
widget 1 7 1 1 rating_scale nodes="1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10" var="[Name]6"
widget 0 8 1 1 image adjust=yes frame=no path="[Color7]"
widget 1 8 1 1 rating_scale nodes="1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10" var="[Name]7"
widget 0 9 1 1 image adjust=yes frame=no path="[Color8]"
widget 1 9 1 1 rating_scale nodes="1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10" var="[Name]8"
widget 0 10 1 1 image adjust=yes frame=no path="[Color9]"
widget 1 10 1 1 rating_scale nodes="1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10" var="[Name]9"
widget 0 11 1 1 image adjust=yes frame=no path="[Color10]"
widget 1 11 1 1 rating_scale nodes="1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10" var="[Name]10"
widget 0 12 2 1 button text=Done
I would apply this frame to each of the 10 image widgets.
Any help anyone can provide is much appreciate!
Dear Harrison,
I think you've posted this in the wrong subforum. This is the one on BayesFactor and JASP!
Hi Harrison,
You cannot easily indicate a style for the borders around the widgets. Or at least that would require monkey-patching the code considerably. And it's probably not necessary either. Wouldn't it be an option to simply remove the frame from the
widget and add a nice frame to the image itself with a tool like Gimp or Photoshop?Cheers!
PS. I move the discussion to the OpenSesame category.
Check out SigmundAI.eu for our OpenSesame AI assistant!
Thank you both!
Adding the frame before to the image seems like it would be a lot easier