1) Failed to load sample; 2) i don't know which script to pick up between...
Hi Sebastian,
First of all, thank you for your great work !
I have two questions :
1) After i tried to run my experiment, this error message occurred :
- " Failed to load sample: /var/folders/8c/y3f3jrrs5s7d56pv8sphqm000000gn/T/tmpg6lttbsw.opensesame_pool/-10°.wav"
Here a picture :
2) In my experiment, I tried to play 120 spatialised bip :
- condition 1 : left shoulder. 8 bips * 5 angles ( -30°, -25°,-20°-15°,-10°). total : 40 bips. Question : is the bip in front of your left shoulder ? Yes (left clic) or No (right clic)
- condition 2 : body center. 8 bips * 5 angles ( -10°, -5°, 0°, 5°, 10°). total : 40 bips Question : is the bip in front of your body center ? Yes (left clic) or No (right clic)
- condition 3 : right shoulder. 8 bips* 5 angles ( 10°, 15°,20°,25°,30°). total : 40 bips Question : is the bip in front of your right shoulder ? Yes (left clic) or No (right clic)
So i have 15 different type of trials (3 conditions* 5 angles). My problem is that i hesitate between two shape of script because i don't know which one of them could work, and i want to randomize the display order of the 140 trials (8 * 15 different trials) :
- Script 1 : One big loop which randomize 3 sub loops. One loop for each condition (1 : left shoulder; ,2 : body center; ,3 : right shoulder)
- Script 2 : 1 big loop containing the 140 trials. I would like to do it like this but the angle -10° is common to the condition 1 and 2, and the angle 10° is common to the condition 2 and 3. Therefore, for exemple, when the trial of -10° angle is gonna be called, maybe the question 1 and 2 will conflict because they both have the 10° condition.
I'm sorry for being so long in my explanation.That's the study of my memory study. I'm a research student in psychology and i had to change the way i do this research because of the covid-19.
HI Sacha,
Let's first focus on these things:
I'm a research student in psychology and i had to change the way i do this research because of the covid-19.
Do you mean that you want to run the experiment online? If so, then make sure that you only use supported functionality, as described here! (I see that you're using forms, which are not supported by OSWeb.)
After i tried to run my experiment, this error message occurred : " Failed to load sample: /var/folders/8c/y3f3jrrs5s7d56pv8sphqm000000gn/T/tmpg6lttbsw.opensesame_pool/-10°.wav"
How do you specify the file name in the
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