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Placing the variables into the first inline_script worked. Thank you for this workaround! Still, I need to be careful that it logs everything which is not the idea of log.vars() , i.e., simply logging all variables. @sebastiaan : I guess this sho…
Hi Claire, help would be greatly appreciated. Please find the experiment file here: https://fileshare.uibk.ac.at/d/752c3c1b78664b6c8948/ Actually, there is one such variable that is logged in the logfile which is var.Phase. However, all the others …
I am using 'automatically log all variables' in the logger to make sure that I am not missing anything.
Actually, I never get the values. When the blue loading bar comes close to the end, it starts again from the beginning.
One day later, I got the errors in percent, but the rest ist still loading.
Hi Patrick, seems like you need a loop that contains a sequence. In the sequence: Instruction, Video, Response, Logger Place your different instructions in a variable in the loop item. Either as text, or as a picture. Hope that helps, Stephan
If you get stuck in a while loop, you get the impression of freezing. So, possible it lies somehow there? What about putting key=None before the second while loop? Not sure, whether this helps you out, but worth a try. Best, Stephan
Hi Irene, if I got it right, then you will need a third variable that includes the numbers from 1 to 10 as there are ten difference cheeses. Actually, OpenSesame can make the multiplication to 40 rows then! A second thing you mentioned is the orde…
Hi Irene, i am not sure whether i really got what you are looking for, but from your description, it appears like you only need to define 2 variables in your loop (one for image, one for value). This may looks something like that: image value cheese…
Hi Nomu, in the loop you find a table. The first line is the variable name. Possibly you need two variables. Call one 'Stimulus' and fill the 3 rows below with the names of your pictures e.g. 'pic1.JPG', 'pic2.JPG', pic3.JPG'. Call the second vari…
Hi schmit, it is possible to calculate interkeystroke intervals of keyboard responses if you ask for single responses. For any stimulus or response there is a time measured. Just look at the variable inspector of your experiment. So this is quite ea…
Would be great if to you mouse and keyboard responses within javascript items.
I have solved it this way now: At the beginning I create a random subject_nr (which is also missing in the data from JATOS): vars.subject_nr = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100000000000) + 1 This number is then used for counterbalancing, for instance: …
Hi there, i found a workaround. There seems a bug when using the correct_resp in OSWeb. This worked for me. The console.log function may be added in the manual of common functions. It was very helpful ;) console.log (vars.correct_Resp) vars.RT= vars…
Hi Sebastiaan, the problem is not as much that i do not see my variables, but that something that works in normal run, does not work in OSWeb. It appears that I do not get into the if clause, but only into the else if. The only logical reason is th…
Thanks, this was the trick.
I figured out that the use of the space key evokes some strange and very small scrolling in the browser (at least in Chrome). Maybe it has to do with the upper problems?
Hi @sebastiaan, this is a very helpful information! Maybe it is worth considering to put this info into javascript common functions of the manual in the website which is where i searched first. Maybe to add: there is no function Mouse.set_pos(pos=(0…
I kept searching for a solution on that problem. I have the impression that the problem has to do with global variables stuff. The canvas created in one javascript_inline cannot be accessed in another javascript_inline. This is not really fine, as I…
Here is the complete error message from the console: Access to image at 'file:///C:/Users/20212256/AppData/Local/Temp/img/opensesame.png' from origin 'null' has been blocked by CORS policy: Cross origin requests are only supported for protocol sche…
I think the prepare phase in the inline_javascripts does not work for canvas neither. Is that related to the above error?
The code runs fine in OS, but not in OSWeb. In first javascript i created the canvas. (It is also shown in OSWeb) Then I asked for a mouse_response. Then in a javascript i want to give feedback on the mouse_response, so that you see what you selecte…
Hi, try this in a javascript: if (vars.subject_nr%2 == 0) { do this and that / create a list to make a clear order } else if (vars.subject_nr%2 == 1) { do other stuff / create a different list } Or use in the 'if function of the sequence': e.g. [sub…
Solved it myself. The problem was on wrong responses the sound appeared again. A simple if Correct==1 before sound presentation solved it. 😉 Sorry for the indentation bug, but the forum made it like this.
Hi eduard, the above code does not work to reference to a sketchpad_item. Unfortunately. Your answer makes me happy because the idea was straight at least. 😄 I will try out to replace the sketchpad_item with an inline_javascript in which i create …
Hi Dirk, have you tried setting the background_color when defining the canvas? I remember that i did this issue once in python. In python you can define the font_color and background_color for each canvas differently. Maybe this works similarly in j…
Hi Dirk, i did not really understand the advantage of using inline_javascripts to present a canvas instead of using a sketchpad as you mentioned that you will use one inline_javascript for every single presentation of a stimulus. You could also make…
Hi Dirk, have you checked the background setting in the main script of your experiment? The standard is background black. If you have not changed that manually, it's an easy fix. Stephan
Hi SQuestion, i would recommend using the form_multiple_choice item. If you only use the form_text_input item, participants may also answer with 'A','0','3.5' or whatever. Of course, you can restrict this, but using mouse clicks would make this muc…
Thanks that helped.