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- Pascal
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Hi there, If I understand it correctly, you would like to merge the trial information (from mt_cklic$data) with the mesaures information (from mt_cklic$measures). As both are data.frames, you can simply merge them. Actually, a code example for this …
Hi there, I think you should provide specific start coordinates for mt_align_start to achieve a more centered coordinate system. Specifically, I would change the mt_align_start code as follows: mt_data <- mt_align_start( mt_data, start …
Hi there, the use case of the add_labels argument is a bit different, see documentation (e.g., here: add_labels = a character vector specifying the core of columns containing …
Hi there, to change the labels of facets, the names of the factor levels need to be modified. One issue with the specific labels suggest above is that it is not possible to use the same label twice (otherwise the corresponding data will be merged t…
The specific mt_align function only makes sense for trajectories that come from the same layout. The mt_align_start function could also work for trajectories from different layouts. Yes, sharing the code you develop for the special case trajectories…
Hi there, details on the calculation of MAD and AUC in mousetrap are described here: (and in general how deviations from the idealized straight line are calculated is des…
Dear Lorenzo, sorry, I am not sure whether I understand your problem in detail. One thing that could be of interest is that since OpenSesame 4.0.0, lists are not logged anymore (but you can still handle and store them as normal Python variables - ho…
Hi Lorenzo, I assume that even if you rewrite your code so it works with legacy or expyriment, mousetrap won't be of much help as the tracking of the cursor coordinates using mousetrap functionality will likely not work in parallel with your custom …
Hi there, the issue is likely caused by the following: If you use the standard mousetrap_response example experiment, variable names are used to specify the buttons in the mousetrap_response item (which is called get_response): Under Button 1, you s…
Hi there, I am not sure which specific error message you refer to, as mt_import_long does not check for duplicates. Could you post the error message and your code here? Best regards, Pascal
Quick comment: I moved this from the Mousetrap to the JASP & BayesFactor category, as this fits the topic
Hi Michel, completely agree, visualizing individual trajectories can be very helpful. Mousetrap also offers dedicated functionality for this, i.e., to visualize individual trajectories after you have imported several of them together.: mt_plot_per_t…
Hi Michel, Thanks for bringing this up. The code above looks good to me. The edge case of a trajectory dataset that only consists of a single trajectory (which I believe is in practice very rare) may cause issues in some of the mousetrap functions a…
Hi there, implementing drag and drop is not possible using the mousetrap-os plugins. However, I believe that it should be possible to implement using general OpenSesame functionality. Maybe you can ask in the OpenSesame forum category for advice. Be…
Hi Jianguo, sorry for the late reply, seems I missed this post. From your description it sounds like you did install the correct version of the mousetrap-os plugins (i.e., the development version). I also tested it with OpenSesame 4.0 (back in July …
Hi Wenting, thanks, @eduard, for comment. The documentation of mt_plot_aggregate and examples can also be found online at: Eduard's general approach would work. In terms if mousetrap: …
Hi there, thanks for commenting, @eduard. It seems I missed the question above (for some reason I did not get a notification via email for this specific post). I agree with what Eduard wrote. In terms of the calculation, we discuss the differences …
Hi there, the mousetrap R package does not provide a function for exporting .mt files. However, it is possible to import several .mt files, change the subjID and then perform analyses using mousetrap. The code could look something like this (see als…
Hi there, excluding variable parts of a trajectory is not directly implemented in mousetrap and is indeed challeging to implement in the underlying arrays. In this case, having trajectories in a long format might actually be easier. I don't know how…
Hi Aviv, the idea with 2 sketchpads and 2 mousetrap_response objects seems to be best suited for your problem. In the simplest implementation you then just specify a timeout for the first mousetrap_response item, which corresponds to the time delay …
Hi, that's an interesting error and without knowing more about the data it is a bit hard to uncover the source. I took a look at the code of mt_remap_symmetric again (I assume that this is the remapping function you are using): The error specificall…
Hi there, thanks, Eduard, for moving the question. @Lola: Together with colleagues, I developed the mousetrap plugins to facilitate mouse-tracking in OpenSesame. More information on the plugins including example experiments can be found here: https:…
Hi there, that's a good question. Maybe first a comment regarding "the last trajectory was copied and pasted throughout that column": That's a general behavior in OpenSesame. Whenever there is a logger item, the current state of all variab…
Hi there, just saw this question was moved to the mousetrap category (sorry, did't see it before). I am not sure what you want to implement exactly. Could you provide more details, especially regarding the specific purpose you want to use the corout…
Hi there, that's a good question. I believe a similar question was asked some time ago in the following thread: I provided some demo code there to solve it. I …
Hi Carlotta, before answering your questions you raise at the end I try to comment on some of the points in your data preparation before first, as they might resolve some of the later issues. Maybe you could try them out first and then bring up rema…
Hi there, I just googled this error message and found a discussion of it here: It seems that an update / reinstallation of the Rcpp package could fix th…
Great that it worked out! And I think that using mt_import_long completely makes sense for your application.
Hi there, nice data. :) I think what you want to do could be possible with mousetrap. However, to perform time normalization you also require timestamps in addition to the x and y coordinates. Do you have these avaiable? If so, you could try to impo…
Dear David, Great that you have a solution now. Just wanted to add for completeness that collecting both key press and clicking would not have been possible so I also believe that Python inline scripts are the way to go. Best Pascal