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I'll fix this soon, but the time consuming part is to do a new release of JATOS and there I can not promise anything - a couple days maybe.
Yes, this was only for me for confirmation that it is indeed the timezone that JATOS cannot deal with. I'll fix this. Sorry about the inconvenience. In the meantime you can set another timezone in Chrome like it is described here: https://stackoverf…
Interesting. Apparently JATOS cannot parse your timezone. Can you please open the Dev Tools / Console and run the command: new Date().toString().match(/\(([^\)]+)\)$/)[1] and post the result here. K.
Can you please post a screenshot of the errors here?
That is strange. I just had a look in Mindprobe and found a user that starts with 'asifzach', like your username here. Can I assume that is your user in Mindprobe? It says you never signed in so far. When you open the developer tools of your browser…
Hi asifzach! Sorry, but you have to be more specific. You got an account. Nice. What type of account do you have? A local one, an ORCID one? Do you get an error message? With kind regards, Kristian
Hi Sigmund! The fix is part of the release v3.9.2. Best, Kristian
Hi! If you have an ORCID iD, you can sign in directly into Mindprobe: And from If you do not have an ORCID iD, or if you do not want to use this for your MindProbe account, then you can request acc…
Hi Sigmund! I actually looked a bit deeper into this issue today and found that under some circumstances the reason that jquery cannot be found is not the browser's cache fault but lies on JATOS' side. I'm investigating further. Best, Kristian
Hi Sigmund! That seems to be a caching issue with your browser / JATOS. Mindprobe got updated recently to the latest JATOS version and the latest jatos.js uses the latest jquery library (3.7.1 instead of 3.5.1). I see three possible solutions: 1) Y…
Nice you figured it out, Jason! Good luck with your experiment!
@sebastiaan I understand. Hopefully we'll have this in the future.
Hi Heidi, It's difficult to say, what went wrong with the study run of your participant. OSWeb's error message "A problem occurred: failed to transfer data." is quite generic. But my first idea is that there was some issue with the network…
Hi! Just a little hint at the start: It is always better to start a new question in the forum. It might be overlooked otherwise. First two points of advice: Do backups of everything JATOS related before doing the update of JATOS. You can also get p…
@sebastiaan I understand and it's probably a bigger effort to restructure OSWeb in a way to enable it to build multi-component JATOS studies. Maybe, it could be worth it to just do the file naming issue earlier - if it is a quick change? Then people…
I think the main reason for this problem that in OSWeb the same filename is used for actual different files from different experiments, e.g. /js/osweb.b550aae48755b942591f.bundle.js or /js/vendors~osweb.620553755c063073df3c.bundle.js have the same n…
Hi Jason, sorry for taking so long to answer, I was busy releasing the new version of JATOS. You have some pretty complicated code here. It took me a while to see what I think is the culprit here. There is a lot going on in this script. Many scripts…
I was just wondering if there is a way to still access the data of this one participant or if it is lost. Unfortunately not or the participant reloading the experiment Actually you would see a (forbidden) reload in the results page. In the 'message'…
Hi Brent, the DATA_RETREIVED status just states that the client, that your experiment running in your participants browser, got all the data from the JATOS server to start - it does not mean that the experiment send result data back successfully. It…
Hello, this should be possible. Can you send us some code here? We don't need the whole code, it should be enough to see the part of your JS with the jatos.onLoad, the part where you load the files, and the part where your start jsPsych. Best, Kris…
Hi, that sounds more like an OpenSesame/OSWeb issue. JATOS just stores whatever text it gets in the database or file system. I will move your question in their category. Best, Kristian
120kB is far from problematic. So, I am out of ideas, apart from problems with the participant's network or computer, or your study's code. K.
Hi Marko, Somehow your second question got lost. It's better to start a new question in the forum so this doesn't happen and also so other people can find it easier. You would use jatos.endStudyAndRedirect to end your study, redirect it to a diffe…
Hi Giacomo, Sorry, for taking some time to answer. Your code looks good. It's the standard jatos-wrapping around a jsPsych experiment. Another thing that comes to my mind: what is the size of your result data? There is a quota of 5 MB per result dat…
Hi Marko! Hm. JATOS has by default a upper limit of 5 MB per sending of result data (by using jatos.submitResultData or jatos.appendResultData). Are you sure about the 2 MB size of your data? Maybe they are 2 MB in a file on your computer but larger…
Let me chime in here, a little late but better than never: Actually there is a quota of 5MB per result data submit or append on Mindprobe. That means that every use of one of the jatos.js functions to send result data to the JATOS server (jatos.subm…
Could be. It's a hunch. Another thing that comes to my mind: have you updated to the latest version of JATOS? It fixes a bug (maybe not really a bug actually), where participants cannot finish it's study in case they have a bad internet connection a…
I agree with Sebastian and just want to answer your second question: how to write it in the results of the second study: Use on of the functions jatos.submitResultData or jatos.appendResultData. Best, Kristian
Hi Marko, I had hope to find something in your code, but since your experiment is in lab.js and lab.js is minified and difficult to debug I couldn't find anything. I suspect there is a problem in how lab.js handles your (short) timeout and using of …
I got your message and it contains a zip with a JSON file. But the JSON file is not what's running in a browser. I assume that is what lab.js produces? I'd need an actual JATOS archive (click the Export button in JATOS UI).