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In addition to Elisa, I'd suggest to try out one of JATOS own example studies to rule out lab.js does something weird in the end of the study. Best K.
Hi! The embedded H2 database is not encrypted in JATOS. Although according to their docs it is possible. But, arguably, it is more important to secure the server where JATOS (with the H2 database) is running on and especially the connection to the …
Hi! I'm not especially familiar with PsyToolkit, but as far as I know you have to compile your PsyToolkit script (.psy file) into some JavaScript before you can run it in the browser. Then you can "jatosify" your JavaScript by following th…
Hi Riss, I'm glad you figured it out. In my experience this is a common approach, first store as much as possible because, hey, it's better to have data than not - and then reduce the submission because the server's resources aren't enough, the part…
Hi Riss! In my latest run of participants, I still encountered the issue where participants were waiting for the "submitting data" bar, to the point where some of them timed out, however, this occurred at a significantly smaller frequency …
There is a difference between JATOS and tools like PCIbex. While PCIbex tries to solve the whole problem of doing online experiments, including building and delivering it, JATOS just concentrates on the delivering part and leaves the building part t…
It would be wild if my server got hacked. I agree. I never had a JATOS server got hacked. Although I see in the logs a lot of attempts. We try to make JATOS as safe as possible and luckily JATOS is not a major goal for any hackers (I guess. Why woul…
Sorry Yoonah, for the late reply. I agree, if you do not encounter any problems while testing with a 3G connection, it looks like your server's resources aren't enough. Do you know the specs of your server? And, yes, fewer participants at the same t…
Hi Riss! Sorry to hear about your crashed server. Good that you had your data saved before. But it's difficult to say what happened to your server. Servers crash sometimes. DigitalOcean has an uptime guarantee of 99.99%. The weird thing in your case…
Hi Yoonah! About your first question, the invalid data one, my first thought is that you result data are too large for your participants Internet connection or your JATOS server. JATOS shows this "Transferring data" pop-up at the end of an…
Hi Marko! Just to add my 2 cents, it usually is possible to unzip a .jzip file (it's after all a ZIP package), change it and then zip it again. But whatever you change has to be in compliance with the JATOS study archive standard. But this standard …
Hi! You solved it already. Nice. I just want to say, for future readers, that the batch session works independent of the study link/worker type. Therefore you can use it with every type or even combination of them. Best Kristian
The easiest is probably according to your description to put the survey into its own JATOS component. I cannot go into details but it's described in JATOS' documentation under "Write your study", especially:…
Hi Leo, I'm not an expert in OSWeb/OpenSesame, but I know some things about JATOS. If you intend to run your experiment on JATOS, you can divide it into several components in JATOS. Each component is basically its own webpage and this would allow yo…
I tried survey.js once and found it rather easy to use, but of course you need to know your way around JavaScript and JATOS. But if you know, then it's just getting the results from survey.js in the end and send them to JATOS. Best Kristian
Hi SpacePenguins, JATOS determines the identity of a study by its study ID. The straight forward method to achieve what you want is to clone your study (study page -> More -> Clone). This way your study gets a new study ID and is considered as…
You develop your study on Windows, aren't you? Windows isn't very strict with letters and capitalization. But Mindprobe-JATOS runs on Linux and there it is. Your filename spelling must be precisely the same in your file system and the code. // defi…
Hi Ines, Your file structure and the relative path you are using seem to be fine. But I could have a closer look if you agree. Can you share your study with me? The easiest would be to add user 'admin' as a member of your study. But if your study co…
Hi, Preloading of images should work the same way as normal loading. But maybe jsPsych does something with the URL path it uses to open the file. Where are those image files stored? What is the file structure of your experiment? Best K
Hi! Please write me your email and name in personal message and I can give you an account. K
Hi Craig! Nice you found the error and thanks for posting your results! Best Kristian
That looks good. In your log messages this one means that the browser cannot establish a WebSocket connection to your server during a study run: WebSocket connection to 'wss://***' failed What makes it a bit weird is that the WebSocket test shows a…
Hi! I'm not sure I understand your experiment. First, when you are talking about 'components', are you talking about JATOS components or something else? Then I had a glimpse at your code and saw jatos.startStudyComponent. This function does not exis…
It'd say it depends. So, if you run your experiment both times (online and local) on JATOS with the same code the big difference is the lag caused by the internet when you transfer data with the JATOS server. And here it depends on your experiment d…
Hi! To get the browser into fullscreen mode you'd usually use Element.requestFullscreen(). Did you try this already? Best, Kristian
Hi Craig, Do you have access to JATOS' administration page (only JATOS admins have)? It's under http://my-IP-or-domain/jatos/admin. Can you click the Tests button and check that all tests show an 'OK'. Especially the WebSocket one is important for t…
Hi! Yes, it's still the same. Best K
Hi! I'm a little bit at a loss: to which data file are you referring? Another thing: your JATOS version is pretty old and it would make sense to update the latest one. Best, Kristian
Hi, I'd recommend to test your experiment online with a slow network to be sure that your increased load doesn't harm the speed. An easy way to do this is with your browser's developer tools / throttle network. Best, Kristian
Have you tried the latest version of JATOS. There was a bug in a recent version removing line breaks and it was fixed. Best Kristian