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Hi @Ornella , The EyeLinkPlugins provided by SR Research have at the time of writing not yet been updated for OpenSesame 4.0. I suspect that's where the error comes from. However, you can also use the EyeLink through the PyGaze plugins that are bund…
Hi @Deni , The most common cause for OpenSesame not starting on Mac OS is that it is blocked by the security settings. You mention that you have followed the instructions from the linked article, so I suspect that's not it in your case, but do doubl…
Hi @opensesamestreet , This error message means that Python (the programming language that OpenSesame uses) itself has crashed. So it's not an issue with how you programmed your experiment, but with the software itself. Often, the issue will go away…
Hi @abeque , The issue was that you put quotes around the run-if expressions in the trial_sequence. It should be correct == 1 and not 'correct == 1'. Why this results in an error message that points to somewhere else is unclear to me (and I would lo…
Thank you! 🤗 Really great to see that you're sharing this.
Hi @lopezchau , It sounds like you are ready to go. If you enter the name of the device (e.g. COM3 or something like that) in the parallel_port_plugin, you should be able to send triggers to the EEG acquisition device. This can be a bit finicky and…
@AngeloPisanii I'm linking this to the same question that you asked here: Please don't ask the same question in multiple threads! That way we don't waste anyone's time by answering the …
Hi @elinora18 , Proper text wrapping is not available for OSWeb, but you can use a simple inline_javascript (courtesy of SigmundAI) to limit the text to a specific number of characters, and insert line breaks in between (using HTML <br> elem…
Hi @trig , Although I'm not familiar with the exact procedure, installing a Captcha at least requires an API key for the site. In this case, the site would indeed be the JATOS server. This means that in order to install a Captcha you would need to h…
Good to hear you solved it!
@nadia27 I see what you mean, yes. It seems the span element is flanked by whitespace. Maybe you can use an empty span instead? This is regular HTML formatting, so you can play around using all the tools available in HTML.
JATOS actually has a mechanism for this. You can include references to URL parameters that the task was started with in the end-redirect URL using [this_notation] :
Hi @gerhono , You can disable the updater under Menu → Tools → Preferences → Plugins. However, this of course also means that you won't receive updates at all. So I would recommend reinstalling, which is likely to fix the issue altogether. — Sebasti…
Hi @gerhono , It looks like the anaconda environment of OpenSesame has conflicting packages for some reason. This happens sometimes, and is really difficult to resolve. (This and speed are the main disadvantages of using anaconda.) Two points to con…
Closing in favor of this discussion:
Is there another way of doing this and get a complete data file? @SpacePenguins Not really, but it may not be necessary. In principle, you have all the data, even if the JSON is invalid. The only thing that is missing is "context" informat…
@SpacePenguins OSWeb incrementally logs data during the experiment, in which case it has the kind of incomplete JSON format that you are describing. This is to make sure that not all data is lost when the experiment doesn't finish. However, when the…
Hi @nadia27 and @eduard , A cheap trick to include spaces that have a fixed size is by using a visible character, and then give this character the color of the background. For example, the text string below would appear as though there is a space be…
Hi @michele.marzocchi , Apologies for the long wait. You're running into a bug in OSWeb that is triggered when specifying a correct_response for a mouse_response item. Removing the correct_response column will resolve the issue for now, and it wi…
Hi @CarlaC , Is there a way to draw a canvas on an existing sketchpad (like drawing on an image from the filepool)? It is possible, but requires hacking into the OSWeb internals. So this may break in the future, and I would only do this if any other…
Hi @Stonesitter , Do you see an error message in the browser console? — Sebastiaan
Hi @SoSo , There is some overlap between the type of experiments/ games that you can create with Unity and OpenSesame, but the focus of the applications is different. Unity is focused on professional games, either 2D or 3D, and provides elaborate wa…
Hi @Bernd_Douze , In general terms, what happens is that the size of the data exceeds the available memory. DataMatrix then starts to offload the data to disk, which results in .memmap files. Apparently, multiple processes are trying to access thes…
Hi @Sigmund , This seems to be an issue with the JATOS server being unreachable, so I moved this to the JATOS category. Are you running this on or another JATOS server? @kri Do you know where this error comes from? I've seen this error …
Hi @Ornella , I don't know where this error messages comes from, to be honest. Quite possibly, it's related to the fact that you're using a very old version of OpenSesame on a very old version of Windows. My guess is that you're limited by the fact …
@kri Doing this properly would take a bit of restructuring, for example because experiments may have non-identical files in the file pool with identical names. (Which would clash.) But I'll take this as a feature request for future releases!
@kri That would be possible, of course. But it would mainly make sense if it's accompanied by a more general restructuring that would allow OSWeb to build multi-component JATOS studies, which would be nice but I don't have the impression there is hu…
I'm not entirely sure where this comes from, but it seems to be an incompatibility between PIL and PyQt. Can you check which versions your are running of PyQt, Pillow, and OpenSesame? from PyQt5.QtCore import PYQT_VERSION_STR, QT_VERSION_STR; print(…
Hi @csg and @elisa , There is no convenient way to combine to OSWeb experiments into a single JATOS study. However, a simple workaround would be to simply create a new experiment that initially contains only an empty experiment sequence, and then co…
Hi @mmalikovic , No there is no (easily reached) data limit. However, of course we are paying server storage costs, so please remove the data when you're done to free up space! — Sebastiaan