ContextException: Unable to share contexts
I am using Open Sesame for an experiment, measuring for accuracy and reaction times of participants' answers to some stimuli. I set up the experiment on my computer and I had no problem. Also, the experiment runs without stopping.
However, once I run the experiment on my assistant's computer, the following error message appears (see below). What could the problem be, given that both of us work with Windows 2007 and have installed the 3.0.X version of opensesame?
I am looking forward to hearing from you and thank you in advance for your help.
The experiment did not finish normally for the following reason:
Unexpected error
item-stack: ``
exception message: Unable to share contexts
time: Tue Feb 23 18:33:43 2016
exception type: ContextException
Traceback (also in debug window)
File "dist\libqtopensesame\misc\", line 140, in run
File "dist\libopensesame\", line 379, in run
File "dist\libopensesame\", line 723, in init_display
File "dist\openexp\", line 65, in init_display
File "dist\openexp\_canvas\", line 352, in init_display
File "dist\psychopy\visual\", line 330, in __init__
File "dist\psychopy\visual\", line 1412, in _setupGL
File "dist\psychopy\visual\", line 1273, in _setupPyglet
File "dist\pyglet\window\win32\", line 131, in __init__
File "dist\pyglet\window\", line 559, in __init__
File "dist\pyglet\window\win32\", line 263, in _create
File "dist\pyglet\gl\", line 265, in attach
File "dist\pyglet\gl\", line 210, in attach
ContextException: Unable to share contexts
A quick Google gives this results:
The error is quite cryptic, and I'm not too familiar with OpenGL (perhaps @dschreij will know more), but it seems to be a problem with initializing the OpenGL window twice. (OpenGL being the library used for display control.)
So two questions:
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I'm experiencing the same problem. The exact same error occurs when running opensesame version 3.0.7 on a Windows XP 32-bit system in my lab! I'm using multiple runner and the programme won't start. Thanks for any help!
Hi @Ornella ,
I don't know where this error messages comes from, to be honest. Quite possibly, it's related to the fact that you're using a very old version of OpenSesame on a very old version of Windows. My guess is that you're limited by the fact that your lab is running Windows XP so updating is not an option? If not, then I would try trying different runners and back-ends to see if there is a combination that works.
— Sebastiaan
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